- mouse motion counter 鼠标器移动计数器
- But is every mouse motion saved in the rep file? 但是鼠标的运动存在rep文件里了么?
- It is this molecular motion that we call heat. 就是这种分子运动我们称之为热。
- On Sunday night he was as quiet as a mouse. 他在星期天晚上安静得像只耗子。
- The meeting carried the motion by a large majority. 会议以多数通过了这项提议。
- A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。
- He used his casting vote to block the motion. 他用他的投票反对动议的通过。
- Kinetic energy is the energy arising from motion. 动能就是由于运动而产生的能量。
- He introduced a motion to the Congress. 他向国会提交了一份议案。
- The cat is playing with a live mouse. 猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。
- The motion was put to the assemblage. 这项提议已提交大会了。
- The cat was creeping silently towards the mouse. 猫悄悄地朝着老鼠爬过去。
- The eagle held a mouse in its claws. 鹰用爪抓住了老鼠。
- Parts of the film were shown again in slow motion. 影片的一些部分以慢动作重放。
- Mr.Smith spoke in support of the motion. 史密斯先生发言支持该项。动议。
- His motion threw the meeting into an uproar. 他的建议在会上引起了一片吵嚷。
- The cat crouched, ready to spring at the mouse. 那只猫蹲下,准备扑向那只老鼠。
- Matter is in constant motion and constant change. 物质总是在不断运动,不断发展。
- At the sight of a mouse, she drew back in horror. 她一看见老鼠,就吓得连连退缩。
- What's your opinion of the motion? 你认为这项提议怎样?