- mould technology specialty 模具专业
- Therefore, it is imperative to manufacture and develop new mould technology. 因此,研制和开发新的模具设计、制造技术势在必行。
- How to resolve them to make educational technology specialty develop healthily and fast? 如何去发现并解决这些问题才能使教育技术学专业健康快速的发展?
- With the development of mould technology,more skills are required for technologist. 随着我国模具工业的迅猛发展,社会对模具方面的人才提出了更新、更高的要求。
- Title: A report on establishing undergraduate education technology specialty(sports information technology) in Wuhan Institute of P.E. 关键词:教育技术学;本科专业;体育信息技术;必要性
- Dr.rer.nat.Grahan Boyd, Manager of F&H Package &Device Development visit State Key of Die &Mould Technology of HUST. 李德群院长和博汉根博士等,在考察华中科技大学模具技术国家重点实验室时的合影。
- Abstract : The research on mould technology for thin slab casting at TISCO was introduced. 文 摘: 介绍了唐钢关于薄板坯连铸用结晶器技术的研究工作。
- Application of KBE to stamping process design[J].Die and Mould Technology,2001(4):59. KBE在冲压工艺设计中的应用[J].;模具技术;2001(4):59
- Training software testing personals has already been one of the latest and the most urgent tasks in software technology specialty in higher vocational education. 摘要软件测试人才的培养已经成为高职软件技术专业最新、最迫切的任务之一。
- The risk degree in marine logistics industry is comparatively analyzed and navigation technology specialty is pointed out to be potential safety engineering specialty. 比较分析了海运物流业的风险程度,指出航海技术专业是隐性的安全工程专业。
- It was extraordinary salient features in educational environment of information age,high school educational technology specialty adaptation days conform to epochal require,strengthen students versus computer application capable culture up that CAI. 计算机辅助教育是信息时代在教育领域非常显著的特征,高校教育技术专业也适应时代的要求,注重培养学生的计算机应用能力。
- As an important step of practice teaching of construction engineering technology specialty,curriculum design should adjust and reform timely with industrial development and social demand. 课程设计作为建筑工程技术专业实践教学的重要环节,应随着行业发展和社会需求适时调整和改革。
- According to talents' cultivation standard of higher vocational education in our country, the paper analyzed the courses of building decoration technology specialty and put out some reform methods. 根据我国高等职业教育人才的培养标准,文中对建筑装饰技术专业课程进行了分析,对课程内容提出了改革的方法。
- And merit and demerit of all kinds of prototyping method analyzed.Combined with tradional rapid making mould technology forming small amount new product more kinds of rapidly made. 并分析了各种成型方法的优缺点,与传统快速制模技术相结合,形成新产品小批量、多品种的快速制造。
- Finally, the prospect of near-liquidus moulding technology is proposed. 展望近液相线法成形工艺的发展前景。
- chemical engineering and technology specialty 化学工程与工艺专业
- Bread tends to mould in damp weather. 气候潮湿时,面包容易长霉。
- Computer Science and Technology Specialty 计算机科学与技术专业
- electromechanical technology specialty 机电技术应用专业
- The metal in the mould hardened into shape. 模子里的金属硬化成形。