- Aimed at the phenomena of traffic delay,highway capacity decreasing and etc,the application of intelligent transportation system in motorway toll collection was introduced. 针对停车收费所造成的交通延误、通行能力降低等现象,介绍了智能交通系统在高速公路收费中的应用。
- That motorway pile-up was a bad job. 那条汽车道挤满了汽车,情况很糟糕。
- The car is whizzing along the motorway. 那车在高速公路上飞速行驶。
- A toll is charged for the use of the expressway. 在那条高速公路上行驶需付通行费。
- Warning notices were strung out along the motorway. 高速公路上隔一段距离就有一个示警牌。
- We ran out of juice on the motorway. 我们在高速公路上行驶时汽油用完了。
- The police said he'd been speeding on the motorway. 警察说他在高速公路上违章超速行驶。
- This road is a continuation of the motorway. 这条公路是高速公路的延伸。
- The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
- What's the speed limit on the motorway? 高速公路的速度限制是多少?
- The long-distance call tolls amount to quite a sum. 长途电话费数目相当可观。
- He went belting up/down the motorway at 90 mph. 他在高速公路上以每小时90英里的速度疾驶。
- We (ie Our car) broke down on the motorway. 我们(的汽车)在高速公路上抛锚了。
- The toll charged for a ferry passage. 摆渡费乘坐渡船而征收的费用
- Who is the contractor on the new motorway? 谁是这条新公路的承包商?
- Police speed traps are operating on this motorway. 这条高速公路上有超速监测器。
- The death toll has risen to 200. 死亡人数已上升到两百人。
- We turned off the motorway at Lancaster. 我们在兰开斯特转弯离开了高速公路。
- The new motorway won't be ready for donkey's years. 要修好新高速公路,那得等到猴年马月了。
- The death toll mounted (to 100). 死亡人数上升(至100).