- Ernst Bloch is a Marxist philosopher, who is most rich in originality and a person of figures, who makes innovation in tradition of Marxism after the Second World War in Germany. 摘要布洛赫是第二次世界大战后德国最具独创性的马克思主义哲学家和对马克思主义传统做出创新的人物。
- Abstract: Ernst Bloch is a Marxist philosopher, who is most rich in originality and a person of figures, who makes innovation in tradition of Marxism after the Second World War in Germany. 文章摘要: 布洛赫是第二次世界大战后德国最具独创性的马克思主义哲学家和对马克思主义传统做出创新的人物。
- most rich in originality 最富创意
- Wishing me like one more rich in hope. 期盼命运能多与我眷顾。
- Mediation is the judicial form of most rich in cultural representativeness and cultural appeal in ancient China. 摘要调解是中国古代最具有文化代表性和最富有文化韵味的司法形式。
- The results show that three trace elements of body necessary are the most rich in ant factor injection liquid. 结果表明,六种生物制剂中三种人体必需微量元素均以蚂蚁因子注射液最为丰富;
- The result show that zinc,copper,iron,chromium,mangan,nickel,cadmium,calcium content in 6 biologicals are the most rich in ant factor injection liquid. 结果表明,6种生物制剂中锌、铜、铁、铬、锰、镍、镉、钙均以蚂蚁因子含量最高,钾含量则以转移因子、胸腺肽较丰富;
- The detail is most rich in this overview in the initial fighting in the North, Kota Bahru and the probe into Thailand to stop the Japanese. 细节是最丰富,在这方面概述了在最初的战斗在北部,哥打京那巴鲁和探 头进入泰国,以阻止日本。
- It is influenced by tropical Asian flora in origin and very rich in endemism (3 families endemic to East Asia, 5 genera and 647 species endemic to China). 特有类型丰富,有东亚特有科3科,中国特有属5属,中国特有种647种。
- Xingtai City, the eastern plains there are more rich in groundwater resources. 邢台市东部平原蕴藏着较为丰富的地下水资源。
- The illness is organic in origin. 该病起初是器质性疾患。
- China is a country rich in crude oil. 中国是一个原油丰富的国家。
- In all of us,he is not the most rich. 我们所有人当中,他最没有钱。
- The palace was rich in ornament. 宫廷装饰琳琅满目。
- In all of us, he is not the most rich. 我们所有人当中,他最没有钱。
- The country is rich in oil and coal. 这个国家石油和煤的资源丰富。
- Those countries are rich in mineral resources. 那些国家矿物资源很丰富。
- The country is rich in resources. 这个国家资源丰富。
- Our country is rich in resources. 我国资源丰富。
- The book is completely lacking in originality. 这部书完全没有创意。