- mortgaging future income [经] 以未来收入为抵押
- Investment applies to the use of unconsumed income to create more future income. 一天,他无端端认为如果用茅来捕鱼,估计数量会多于两条。
- They furnish ready cash to households and firms in exchange for pledges of future income, such as mortgages and loans. 它们以家庭和公司未来的收入为担保来为它们提供现金,例如按揭和贷款。
- Unsecured loans are based on the borrower's integrity,financial condition,expected future income,and past record of repayment. 无抵押贷款建立在借款人的品行正直、财务状况、预期收益和还款记录的基础之上。
- The federal budget provides an analysis of expected future income and a detailed plan of spending for the upcoming year. 根据联邦预算可以分析未来的收入情况,并可为下一年的支出制定详细计划。
- Unsecured loans are based on the borrower's integrity, financial condition, expected future income, and past record of repayment. 无抵押贷款建立在借款人的品行正直、财务状况、预期收益和还款记录的基础之上。
- The residue of 28,000 can be further carried forward for set-off against the future income of you or your spouse under Personal Assessment. 而且馀下亏损28,000还可再继续结转至未来年度,用来抵销你或配偶在未来年度的收入。
- It is the future income that establishes the value of a business. The business enterprise is valued on the basis of its future income potential. 未来收益决定了企业的价值。企业整体价值评估是以其未来可能获得的收益为基础的。
- With so much debt, in addition to the uncertainty of future income, it is an X that how the 18 trillion can be guaranteed. 背负这么多的债务,加之未来财政收入的不确定性,如何保证18万亿投资计划实施,是一个未知数。
- When selling a digital product (as an owner or an affiliate), your potential for future income actually DECREASES with every sale you make. 当卖数码产品(如业主或属)你可能将来的收入减少;实际上使你每出售.
- During the recession, the determining factor lies in real estate demand, and the demand depends on the future income anticipation. 在经济下行周期中,房地产决定因素在于需求,而需求取决于未来收入的预期。
- A highly-paid executive who wants to downshift to a lower-paid job may need a lot to help supplement her transition and future income. 一位高薪管理人员如果想降格到底薪的工作,那她 可能需要一大笔钱补充她过渡期间和今后的收入。
- According to the bank loans of staff briefings, through mobile mortgage lenders can based on the expected future income realized repayment arrangements. 据该行房贷工作人员介绍,通过移动按揭,贷款人可以根据对未来收入的预期随心安排还款计划。
- Once enrolled, the LSAT, which is in some form a measure of ability, still helps to determine performance and future income, but schooling adds a great amount of influence also. 假设读者已非常熟悉这些情景,没有必要再浪费时间去描叙这些场景和你所选择的事物。4、用最明了简单的格式 论文的推理必须是清楚一致的,你的论文越有组织性就越能说服别人。
- To determine the present money value of future income, whether estimated or fixed.To classify a cost as a long-term investment, rather than charging it to current operations. 确定未来收入的目前现金值,无论是估计值还是固定值。资本支出不归入费用而归入长期投资。
- The initial condition is one of an absolute ruler who can confiscate any assets his subjects may own or any future income but, because policing and monitoring costs are positive, the ruler stands to gain by exchanging with his subjects. 初始的状况是一个完全的统治者,它能够没收他的臣民所拥有的任何财产和未来的收入,但是由于监管和维持治安的费用很高,统治者就决定通过与臣民交易来获益。
- All future incoming messages from the blocked users will be delivered automatically to the Junk Mail folder. 以后所有来自被阻止用户的消息将自动投递到Junk Mail文件夹。
- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- The cod was salted away for future use. 鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。
- Index of Future Income Confidence 未来收入信心指数