- mortality odds ratio 死亡机会比率
- Above-median levels of MPO but not protein carbonyls were independently predictive of mortality (odds ratio 1.8, 95% confidence interval 1.0 to 3.0, p = 0.034). MPO中位数水平以上而非蛋白质羰基即为死亡的独立预测因素(优势比为1.;8,95%25可信区间为1
- The odds ratio of 1.2 favoring structured care was nonsignificant. 结构护理有帮助的1.;2的让步比无显著意义。
- The unadjusted odds ratio for stroke with PPA exposure was 2.46 and after adjustment, it was 2.16. 服用PPA患者中风风险的优势比调整前和调整后分别是2.;46和2
- Overall, OC use was associated with a slight increase in breast cancer risk (odds ratio, 1.19). 总之,口服避孕药的使用与乳腺癌发病率轻度增加有相关性(优势比为1.;19)。
- For women with diet-treated gestational diabetes, the odds ratio of haing a child with cryptorchidism was 3.98. 对于用饮食控制妊娠糖尿病的女性来说,生出隐睾婴儿的比值比为3.;98。
- The association was stronger in primiparas (odds ratio, 2.2) than in others (odds ratio, 1.4). 这种联系在初产妇组中(比率为2.;2)比其他组中(比率为1
- The odds ratio(OR),relative risk(RR) and population attributable risk(PAR) were calculated. 居民使用受致病菌污染的水源是引起疫情的主要因素。
- The odds ratio (OR) for developing asthma between patients with DD genotype and those with ID genotype and II genotype was 5.04 and 3.15, respecively. 哮喘组和正常组比较 ;DD型与ID型、DD型与II型的优势比OR分别为 5 .;0 4和 3
- We found that the prominent factor in intraoperative cardiac complications was the presence of hypertension (odds ratio = 2.911). 作者发现术中心脏并发症的首要因素是高血压(优势比=2.;911)。
- Overall, OC use was associated with a slight increase in breast cancer risk (odds ratio, 1.19).For nulliparous women (i.e. 总之,口服避孕药的使用与乳腺癌发病率轻度增加有相关性(优势比为1.;19)。
- For FEV1, odds ratio (OR) was 1.28 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.20 - 1.37), and for FVC, OR was 1.41 (95% CI, 1.31 - 1.51). 以FEV1来说,胜算比(OR)为1.;28(95%25信赖区间[CI]为1
- For example, the odds ratio was 2.5 in those under the age of 28 years.The corresponding value was 1.2, in women over the age of 33 years. 比如,在年龄小于28岁的比率为2.;5,而在年龄大于33岁的比率则为1
- Those with the highest whole body nevus counts had a greatly increased risk of melanoma compared with those with the lowest (pooled odds ratio, 6.9). 他们发现那些身上痣的个数最多的人患恶性黑色素瘤风险远较数目最少的人要高(汇总优势比为6.;9)。
- Data were statistically analyzed by means of descriptive and analytical methods, %, t-test, ChiSquare test and odds ratio. 口能力因素:1.;医疗保险,2
- Cumulative incidence ratio (CIR), incidence density ratio (IDR)and incidence odds ratio(IOR)can be calculated respectively in cohort study according to various study designs. 根据不同的研究设计,在队列研究中可分别估计累积发病率比(CIR)、发病密度比(IDR)和发病比值(IOR)。
- It depends upon the sampling methods and the size of the disease rate whether exposure odds ratio (EOR) in case-control studies can be used to estimate the CIR or IDR. 在病例对照研究中,是否可用暴露比值比(EOR)作为CIR或IDR的无偏估计,取决于抽样方法和疾病率高低。
- Untreated GBS bacteriuria was associated with chorioamnionitis after controlling for confounding ariables, adjusted odds ratio 7.2 (95% confidence interal 2.4 to 21.2). 在控制混杂变量后未治疗的B型链球菌菌尿同绒毛膜羊膜炎有关,校正优势比为7.;2(95%25的可信度区间为2
- How odd they have gone through the eccentric thing! 他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!
- He does odd jobs for me from time to time. 他有时给我干点零活。