- About Setting up the Regulation of Moral Damage Compensation for Product Defect in China 产品缺陷精神损害赔偿制度初探
- moral damage compensation 惩罚性损害赔偿
- In short, the issue of compensation for moral damage to the law, it would be to institutionalize the development of the objective requirements. 总之,精神损害赔偿问题将其法律化,制度化是这会发展的客观要求。
- Requirements "of the two plaintiffs to the court the defendant should be an apology, compensation for moral damage solatium 10,000 yuan, and bear the legal costs in this case. 要求“两被告应当庭向原告赔礼道歉,赔偿精神损害抚慰金10000元,并承担本案诉讼费。”
- Therefore, Mr. seats to the court the prosecution requested a public apology Ditan hospital, and various fees and compensation for moral damage, as well as a total of 12 million yuan solatium. 因此,席先生起诉至法院,要求地坛医院公开赔礼道歉,并赔偿各种费用以及精神损害抚慰金共计12万余元。
- Vice President Annette Lu demanded an apology and correction and would not rule out seeking damage compensation. 副总统吕秀莲要求对方道歉并且更正报导;并且不排除向对方要求损害赔偿.
- Moral Damage and State Compensation Obligation 精神损害与国家赔偿责任
- The forth part is the ascertainment of medical damage compensation responsibility. 第四部分为医疗损害赔偿责任的确定。
- Damages of environmental tort include property damage and moral damage. 环境侵权的损害事实包括财产损害、身损害、神损害等。
- If any loss was caused to the laborer, the Unit shall bear damage compensation liability. 给劳动者造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。
- To purify social atmosphere and protect the lawful interest of the no-fault party, the law must entitle her/ him the right of claim for damage compensation. 为了纯化社会风气,保护无过错配偶方的合法权益,法律必须授予其损害赔偿请求权。
- state compensation for moral damage 国家精神损害赔偿
- For example, the lawful reasons of damage compensation are too narrow; the compensation system of domestic drudgery is too limited. 但其具体制度设计还存在一些缺陷,致使在实践中这一制度体系的运作不够理想,如离婚损害赔偿制度的法定原因规定太窄,家务劳动补偿制度的适用范围太局限,经济帮助制度因规定的太笼统以致于缺乏可操作性等。
- The non-refundable deposit is to be exclusively used for damage compensation to contestants and consumers or as payment for fines. 不予退还的保证金,专项用于对体育竞赛参赛者、消费者的损害补偿或者抵充罚款。
- The central government shall establish emergency response, damage compensation, reparation and relief mechanisms related to the environment. 中央政府应建立环境相关之紧急应变、损害赔偿、补偿及救济制度。
- This article analyses and explores validity term of request right for divorce damage compensation, liability holdership and mental damage compensation amount. 摘要本文对离婚损害赔偿的请求权时效、责任主体及其精神损害赔偿额等方面,进行分析和探讨。
- Nightmare Shroud also makes the Necron Lord immune to morale damage. 令人恐怖敌人单位将会在恐惧中停止攻击而且逃走。
- The spirit damage compensation system has experienced from none to ens and from simplicity to maturation in China and now has been an important topic for the law society. 我国的精神损害赔偿制度历经从无到有,由简单逐步走向成熟的发展过程,现已成为民法理论和实务界研究和探讨的重要话题。
- Whether moral damage exists or not should be judged from the matter of fact, then the law.If the order is reversed, we will fall into the odd circle of conceptualist jurisprudence. 精神损害首先应是事实经验判断问题,然后才是法律逻辑规制问题,本末倒置必将陷入概念法学中的为法而法之怪圈。
- The Perfection of Moral Damage in Chinese State Compensation System 精神损害国家赔偿制度的完善