- Years of living alone may warp one's personality. 长期的孤身生活会使人的性格变得乖戾。
- It was her first experience of living alone. 那是她第一次单独生活。
- I enjoy the freedom of living alone. 我喜欢独居的自由。
- moral of living alone 独处道德
- They are so named for the frequency with which they choose to cohabitate with their parents after a brief period of living alone - thus boomeranging back to their place of origin. 被称为“回巢族”是因为他们在独自生活一段时间后选择回到父母身边与他们共同生活,也就是回到了自己的“老巢”。
- Villa as the highest form of living alone are continually inspired architectural master creative potential, and then have many legacies of the classical world view. 独幢别墅作为最高居住形式,不断地激发建筑大师的创作潜能,继而产生许多传承于世的经典风尚。
- What is the moral of this story? 这个故事的寓意是什么?
- He finds country life preferable to that of living in the city. 他感到在乡村生活比在城市更好。
- In the latter years of his life he lived alone and never welcomed visitors. 他晚年独居,从不欢迎来访者。
- The moral of this story is Better late than never'. 这个故事的寓意是`迟做总比不做好'.
- Living alone unsettled his nerves. 他独自生活,情绪很不稳定。
- The policy will put on the cost of living. 这些政策将使生活费上涨。
- Many girls living alone in the city, go astray for lack of parental control. 许多在城里独居的姑娘,由于没有父母的管教而误入歧途。
- There are millions of living things on the earth. 世界上有数以百万计的生物。
- I don't quite see the moral of the story. 我不完全明白这故事的涵义。
- You need time to readjust (to living alone). 你需要些时间才能重新习惯(过单身生活).
- The cost of living continues to rise. 生活费用继续上涨。
- The moral of this story is very simple. 这个故事的寓意是十分简单的。
- You will soon weary of living abroad. 你在国外生活不消多久就不满意了。
- I cannot think of you living alone any longer. 我认为你不会再一个人住多久了。