- The moon was obscured by clouds. 月亮被云遮住了。
- The moon was obscured by the clouds. 月亮被云遮暗了。
- The moon was obscured by dark clouds. 月亮被乌云遮住了。
- The sun was obscured by clouds . 太阳被云遮住了。
- moon be obscured by clouds 月亮被云遮暗
- The sun was obscured by clouds. 太阳被云遮住了。
- The stars are obscured by the clouds. 星星在云层中很模糊。
- The moon was dimmed by clouds and the stars were darkened. 月色朦胧, 星辰昏暗。
- His fame was obscured by that of his wife . 他妻子的名声使他的名声相形见绌。
- The moon was fuller than the night before, but the light was diffused by cloud. 月亮比头一天晚上更圆,但因云层遮掩而月光朦胧。
- His fame was obscured by that of his great father. 他父亲的名气使他黯然失色。
- His fame was obscured by the fame of his wife. 妻子的声望使他暗淡失色。
- My view was obscured by the trees. 我的视线被树挡住了。
- It is like the sun. It may seem obscured by clouds and dust, but only from the point of view of the perceiver. 像太阳一样。它彷佛被云尘所蒙蔽,但那不过是见者所见。
- The writer's meaning was obscured by his convoluted prose. 作者的意思被他晦涩的文章掩盖起来。
- The uranium deposits are obscured by sand, peat and glacial drift. 铀矿床被砂子,泥炭和冰碛物所覆盖。
- The vast plain was obscured by the falling flakes of snow. 大雪纷飞,原野一片迷茫。
- The moon was hidden by clouds. 月亮给云彩遮住了。
- The view of the top of the Eiffel Tower was obscured by the inclement weather. 法国;巴黎:艾菲尔铁塔的塔尖已经湮灭在了恶劣的下雪天中.
- The moon was peeping out from behind the clouds. 月亮正慢慢从云层後面出现。