- The monsoon rains started early this year. 今年雨季降雨开始得早。
- The monsoon rains were beating down. 季风雨倾盆而下。
- Karachi also receives the tail end of the monsoon rains. Karachi并且接受季风雨的尾巴末端。
- The Kosi River overflowed its banks because of heavy monsoon rains. 雨量强大的季风雨使得印度的科斯河河水超出其河堤。
- The monsoon rain taps on the bride's heart, Prolong happy songs. 梅子雨滴打在新娘心上,延绵着幸福的歌儿。
- Authorities in India warn residents to stay at home after new monsoon rains pound Bombay and the surrounding region. 印度的权威人士警告新一轮的强季风降雨即将来临并将袭击孟买以及周边地区,希望居民不要善自外出。
- On July 26, 2005, over 500 people died when monsoon rains caused flooding around Mumbai (Bombay), India. 2005年的七月26日,在印度的孟买各地有超过500人死于非命,由季候雨(风)引发的洪涝灾害。
- The monsoon rains have been good so far this year in the key soybean producing areas of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. 今年到目前为止,中央邦和马哈拉什特拉邦两大主要大豆种植区的季风雨始终保持着良好的态势。
- Agrawal said the late arrival of monsoon rains was unlikely to impact soybean yield for the season. 阿格拉沃说,尽管季雨迟来,但今年的大豆单产不太可能受到影响。
- Monsoon rains and poor drainage enable the disease to thrive in many Indian cities. 季风降雨以及排水不畅,使得这种疾病仍在印度的许多城市中肆虐。
- As the romantic monsoon rains loom, the extended Verma family reunites from around the globe for a last-minute arranged marriage in New Delhi. 在浪漫的雨季迫近新德里之时,拉利维马正在为他美丽的女儿阿蒂筹备婚礼,不过他并不知道,即将要结婚的阿蒂还和一个有妇之夫暗通款曲。
- An aerial view shows flooded fields after heavy monsoon rains on the outskirts of the central Indian city of Raipur, June 30, 2007. 鸟瞰图显示印度莱普受到季侯风带来的豪大雨而发生水灾的地区。
- After months of dry, sweltering days, a young girl feasts on the first monsoon rains in the village of Eya, where the Irrawaddy meets the Andaman Sea. 乘客和货物分散在运货甲板上,这是一段10小时的旅程,从缅甸中部的曼德勒,到位于河流三角洲顶端的首都仰光。
- India's monsoon rains, seen here lashing palm trees in Trivandrum, Kerala, bring needed water and welcome relief from the long, hot dry season. 意译:气候的图片集。印度的季风降雨,在这里看到的鞭挞的棕榈树在特里凡得琅,喀拉拉邦,带来所需的水和欢迎长期来雨,干热季节。
- United Nations Children's fund UNICEF reports that tens of thousands of children are living outdoors, with little shelter from the monsoon rains. 联合国儿童基金会UNICEF报告说,数万儿童正住在户外,几乎没有地方来躲避季风带来的降雨。
- The United Nation Children's Fund, UNICEF, reports that tens of thousands of children are living outdoors with little shelter from the monsoon rains. 联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)报告称,缅甸有数万儿童露宿在外面,没有可以躲避季风雨的地方。
- Increased sowing boosted by record prices in 2002, aided by the normal monsoon rains, is expected to lead to a record soybean crop, USDA said. 美国农业部说,由于2002年价格达到纪录水平、季风雨情况正常、种植面积出现增长,预计大豆产量将创纪录。
- The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, reports that tens of thousands of children are living outdoors, with little shelter from the monsoon rains. 联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)报告称,缅甸目前有成千上万的儿童露宿野外,在季候风带来的降雨中几乎没有牺牲之所。
- Sri Lankan paddy farmers work during the main "Maha" harvest season, which begins with the monsoon rains that arrive in October. 在首都可伦坡附近,人们看著农夫使用大象犁田。
- Subject to the monsoon rains, home to billions, South Asia is forever teetering between too little water and too much of it. 南亚地区处于季风雨气候之下,人口达到十几亿,但是该地区却总是蹒跚于缺水干旱和洪水洪涝灾难之中。