- The coupling quasisolution and monotone iterative methodof the integraldifferential equation in abstract cones. 抽象锥中积分微分方程的耦合拟解。
- A existence result is obtained via upper and lower solutions method coupled with the monotone iterative technique. 利用上下解方法结合单调迭代技巧,我们得到了解的存在性结果。
- The monotone iterative techniques is used to investigate the existence of extremal solution of periodic boundary value problems (PBVP) for neutral delay differential equation. 摘要利用单调迭代方法给出了中立型滞后微分方程的周期边值问题极解的存在性定理。
- Cone theory and monotone iterative technique are used to discuss the existence for a kind of mixed monotone operators with pointwise sub-continuity. 利用锥理论和单调迭代技巧讨论了一类逐点次连续的混合单调算子不动点的存在性问题。
- The monotone iterative techniques is used to investigate the existence of extremal solution of periodic boundary value problems(PBVP) for neutral delay differential equation. 利用单调迭代方法给出了中立型滞后微分方程的周期边值问题极解的存在性定理。
- The sufficient conditions are obtained for existence of extreme solutions by using upper and lower solutions method couped with monotone iterative technique. 通过利用上下解方法并结合单调迭代技术得到了边值问题的极大解和极小解的一组充分条件。
- This paper uses the monotone iterative technique to investigate the existence of the solutions of a class of boundary value problem for third-order differential equation. 用单调迭代法研究一类三阶微分方程边值问题解的存在性,不仅证明了该问题解的存在性,而且得到了其迭代格式。
- Using the lower and upper solutions method monotone iterative techniques, the existence of maximal and minimal solutions of first order implusive integro differential equations of mixed type are obtained. 摘要利用上下解方法和单调迭代技巧,证明了一类混合型一阶脉冲积分-微分方程初值问题最大解和最小解的存在性。
- A monotone iterative scheme is developed for proving the existence and uniqueness of the periodic solutions of the nonlinear discrete scheme, and the computational algorithms for the periodic solutions are also provided. 为了证明解的存在唯一性,建立了一个单调迭代算法,该算法也给出了一个求解算法。
- This paper considers the existence of nonlinear boundary condition solutions for the integro-differential equations with impulsive. By employing the monotone iterative method, some results are given. 摘要文章通过上下解、单调迭代的方法研究了一类脉冲积分微分方程的非线性边值问题,获得了这类方程的极大、极小解存在的充分条件。
- Cone,monotone iterative technique,measure of noncompactness,extremal solutions,periodic boundary value problems,impulsive integro-differential equations of mixed type,initial value problems. 锥,单调迭代方法,非紧性测度,极值解,周朔边值问题,混合型脉冲徽分-积分方程,初值问题
- mixed monotone iterative technique 混合单调迭代法
- The dynamics of coupled system of semilinear parabolic equations with time delays is investigated using upper and lower solutions and its associated monotone iterations. 利用上下解方法及相应的单调迭代序列给出了解的渐近性质。
- On the Monotone Iterative Methods of Nonsmooth Operator Equations 非光滑算子方程的单调迭代方法
- By aid of the monotone iteration technique and the upper and lower solutions method, the existence of travelling wave fronts is established for a single species population model with stage structure and distributed maturation delay. 利用单调迭代和上下解方法证明了一类具有分布成熟时间和阶段结构的单物种种群模型的波前解的存在性.
- Monotone iteration method and upper and lower solutions were used to approach to the solution of the first-order integral boundary value problem on time scales form below and above by monotone convergent sequence. 摘要运用单调迭代方法和上下解方法构造了两个单调序列,从上下两个方向分别收敛到一阶积分边值问题。
- Monotone Iterative Technique for Periodic Boundary Value Problems of Second-Order Differential Equations 二阶微分方程周期边值问题的单调迭代技巧
- Monotone Iterative for Periodic Boundary Value Problem of Second Order Impulsive Functional Differential Equation 二阶脉冲泛函微分方程周期边值问题的单调迭代方法
- The analysis becomes an iterative process. 这一分析计算工作实际上是一个逐次迭代的过程。