- Non-monotone curve of the musculi skeleti is divided into two parts at the turning point between monotone increasing and monotone decreasing. 在骨骼肌非单调变化曲线的单调增与单调减变化的转折点处分段,分别建立灰模型。
- monotone decreasing set function 单调递减集合函数
- strictly monotone decreasing solution 严格单调递减解
- strictly monotone decreasing function 严格单调递减函数
- The analysis of these curves leads to a conclusion that the material damage at rupture is monotonically decreasing function of applied stress. 对这些曲线的分析导致结论:材料破坏时的损伤是所加应力的递减函数。
- monotonically decreasing sequence 单递减序列
- The birthrate in the city has been decreasing. 该市的出生率一直持续下降。
- Interest in the sport is decreasing. 人们对此项运动的兴趣已逐渐淡薄。
- The accuracy of classical coning algorithms monotonically decreased with the increment of coning frequency. 经典圆锥算法的精度具有随着圆锥运动频率降低而提高的单调特性。
- Hall effect measurement show that the resistivities of CdTe thin film monotonously decreased with the temperature increasing. Hall效应测试表明,CdTe多晶薄膜的电阻率随着温度的升高呈单一下降趋势。
- With welding speed increasing, the radial width of keyhole monotonously decreases, but radial length of keyhole will be fluctuated. 随着焊接速度的增加,小孔的径向宽度逐渐减小,而其长度有一个先减小后增大再减小的波动过程;
- monotone decreasing 单调减,单递减的,单调递减
- All of his clothes are in monotone black. 瞧他的衣服,一划的都是黑色的,真单调。
- Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing. 玩具销售额在圣诞节前夕达到最高峰,现已逐渐下降。
- monotone decreasing function 单递减函数
- The monotone of his occupation soothed him. 他的职业里那种单调,使他觉得舒服。
- strictly monotone decreasing 严格单调递减,严格单递减的
- To chant or recite in a musical monotone. 吟诵,歌唱在乐曲声中吟诵或歌唱
- monotone decreasing functio 单递减函数
- monotone decreasing sequence 单调减小序列