- monomeric donor 单体给体
- Nitroform is such a strong proton donor. 三硝基甲烷是一个极强的质子给予体。
- A) A monomeric enzyme non-glycosylated. 单体,没有糖基化的酵素。
- B) A monomeric enzyme glycosylated. 单体,有糖基化的酵素。
- The problem is finding a compatible donor. 问题是要找到一个相匹配的骨髓捐赠者。
- But William has no curiosity about his donor. 但是威廉对那个捐精者毫无兴趣。
- A monomeric enzyme non-glycosylated. 单体,没有糖基化的酵素。
- A monomeric enzyme glycosylated. 单体,有糖基化的酵素。
- The donor prefers to remain anonymous. 捐赠者希望不披露姓名。
- The donor's identity is a close secret. 捐赠人的身分是一个严加保守的秘密。
- I wish to be an anonymous donor. 不希望公布姓名。
- The donor wants to be listed as John Doe. 该捐献者希望匿名
- Would you volunteer to become blood donor? 如果让你义务献血你能做到吗?
- The school was named after the donor. 这所学校是以那位捐助者的名字命名的。
- And is therefore an acid (proton donor). 因此它又是个酸(质子供体)。
- It was several months before the donor replied. 几个月后捐献者回复了。
- The potential donor was thinking about it. 这位可能的捐献者正在考虑。
- What is a Major Donor Recognition event? 何谓巨额捐献者表彰活动?
- One solution is to implant a donor cornea. 一种解决办法就是植入捐赠的角膜。
- Monomeric Individual unit of which polymers are made. 单体:构成多聚体的单个单位。