- The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. 茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。
- The little boy is as mischievous as a monkey. 这个小男孩像猴子一样调皮。
- She sat down on a tuft of grass. 她坐在一小块草地上。
- Leave go of my coat, you monkey! 别抓住我的衣服,你这淘气鬼!
- The grass was wet with dewdrops. 草被露水浸湿了。
- We must not forget about the grass roots. 我们绝不能忘记民众。
- There's been some monkey business going on here! 有人在这里搞鬼!
- She keeps an unused stamp of monkey. 她保存着一枚未曾用过的猴邮票。
- He went to grass after being hit in the head. 头部被猛击一下后,他颓然倒下。
- Do you prefer grass or hard courts? 你喜欢草地球场还是硬地球场?
- The cow began to ruminate after eating up grass. 牛吃完草后开始反刍。
- Come here at once, you little monkey! 马上过来,你这个小捣蛋!
- The faulty lawnmower chewed the grass up. 那部有毛病的割草机把草坪弄坏了。
- He lay outstretched on the grass. 他手脚摊开躺在草地上。
- He likes to monkey with old clocks and engines. 他喜欢摆弄旧钟和引擎。
- The wet grass sparkles in the sun. 太阳使湿草闪闪发光。
- They warned us not to monkey with the machine. 他们警告我们不要乱动机器。
- What she said got his monkey up. 她所说的话使他生气。
- The egg nestled in the long grass. 蛋隐藏在高草中。
- We are helping him to get the monkey off. 我们正帮助他戒掉毒瘾。