- Equity fund Money market fund investing in equity stocks. 股本基金指投资于股票的货币市场基金。
- Castrol currency in the money market fund in the second. 嘉实货币在货币市场基金中排名第二。
- We could have made $50 million a year just by putting what General Dynamics paid us into a money market fund. 光是拿通用动力公司付给我们的钱放到货币市场上去贷给人家,我们每年也能赚到五千万美元的利益。
- No load fund Money market fund that does not charge a fixed fee commission to investors. 无佣金基金,不收手续费的基金不向投资者收取手续费的货币市场基金。
- The proportion a money market fund invests in time deposits shall not exceed 30% of its net assets value. 三、货币市场基金投资于定期存款的比例,不得超过基金资产净值的30%25。
- You may leave your cash balance in your account or invest the balance in a money market fund to earn dividends. 您可选择将存款馀留在帐上,或是将其转入金融市场基金,继续进行短期投资赚取红利。
- We are closely watching the performance of the other available investment instruments in the market, including money market fund, structured deposit and third party entrust loan. 但我们同时也密切关注市场中其他可用的投资工具,包括货币市场基金、结构性存款和第三方委托贷款等。
- Using Scherer’s model,we study the case of China’s Money Market Fund,analyzing the influence of market structure on the institution’s innovation behavior. 本章运用一个“最优新产品开发时机”模型,并以中国的货币市场基金作为案例,重点分析了市场结构或竞争因素对金融机构的产品创新行为的影响。
- Unit trusts may also enable investors to diversify across regions,e.g. a European fund or an Asia Pacific Fund,or between assets,e.g. investing under an umbrella fund in a stock fund,a bond fund and a money market fund. 投资者也可借这个途径投资于其他地区,如欧洲基金和亚太基金,或是投资于不同的资产,如包括股票基金、债券基金和货币基金的雨伞基金。
- Unit trusts may also enable investors to diversify across regions,e.g. a European fund paired with an Asia Pacific Fund,or between assets,e.g. investing under an umbrella fund in an equity fund,a bond fund and a money market fund. 投资者也可借这个途径投资于其他地区,如欧洲基金和亚太基金,或是投资于不同的资产,如包括股票基金、债券基金和货币基金的雨伞基金。
- Unit trusts may also enable investors to diversify across regions, e.g. a European fund paired with an Asia Pacific Fund, or between assets, e.g. investing under an umbrella fund in an equity fund, a bond fund and a money market fund. 投资者也可借这个途径投资于其他地区,如欧洲基金和亚太基金,或是投资于不同的资产,如包括股票基金、债券基金和货币基金的雨伞基金。
- Unit trusts may also enable investors to diversify across regions, e.g. a European fund or an Asia Pacific Fund, or between assets, e.g. investing under an umbrella fund in a stock fund, a bond fund and a money market fund. 投资者也可借这个途径投资于其他地区,如欧洲基金和亚太基金,或是投资于不同的资产,如包括股票基金、债券基金和货币基金的雨伞基金。
- UBS Investment money market funds aspiring fund managers said Han Ping, bond funds and money funds are low-risk product. 国投瑞银货币市场基金拟任基金经理韩海平表示,债券基金和货币基金均属于低风险产品。
- Will the Fed then extend to deposit insurance to hedge funds too as it did for money market funds? 美联储会象对待货币市场基金那样,将存款保险的惠及范围扩大到对冲基金行业吗?
- That caused panic among depositors: by Thursday a run on money market funds was in full swing. 这在储户当中引起了恐慌:到周四,货币市场基金的挤兑便达到高潮。
- M3 includes M2, repurchase agreements, money market funds, and debt securities maturing within two years. M3包括了M2,重购协议、货币市场基金以及两年期内债务证券。
- These investors seem to regard money market funds as another option to savings accounts in banks and savings and loan institutions. 这些投资者把货币市场基金作为银行、储蓄和贷款机构的储蓄帐户的另一选择。
- Local retail customers are fickle: the surge of money into equities this quarter partly reflects outflows from money market funds. 本地散户客户反复无常:本季度流入股市的资金大幅上升,其中部分资金就是从货币市场基金中流出的。
- It could present problems for money market funds and for the repo market which has technical difficulties operating near zero rates. 这给货币市场基金和货币回购市场提出挑战,其中货币回购市场要在接近零利率的水平运作,存在技术性困难。
- Until the Fed stepped in, new CP issuance had been virtually frozen as the banks and money market funds are shying away from non guaranteed credit. 直到美联储介入之前,新的商业票据发行实际上已被冻结,因为银行和货币市场基金对非信贷保证票据纷纷回避。