- Money deposited for checking, savings, or brokerage use. 存款为支付,节省,或经纪业而存起来的钱
- How much will the earnest money deposit be? 订金要多少钱?
- Money deposited in banks will accrue to us with interest. 钱存在银行,利息自生。
- A bank lends money deposited with it by depositors to borrowers. 银行将存户存入的钱借给借款人。
- The money deposited each day is usually more than enough to cover all withdrawals. 每天存入的金额往往足以支付提取的金额。
- Margin Money deposited into a stock account in order to borrow money to purchase or sell short securities. 保证金存在股票账户上用来借钱买卖短期证券的资金。
- Some questioned the money deposited in the designated accounts, "there Juankuan absconded? 有人质疑把钱存入指定账户,“出现卷款潜逃怎么办?”
- Thus, the need to save enough money deposited in Cary for the successful repayment. 于是,必须在储蓄卡里存入足够的钱以便成功还款。
- The joint account was continued until Elwood's death with all farm money deposited in it.When money was borrowed Elwood signed the notes alone. 农场的保险是以两个人的名字共同购买的,至少在1957年或者更早以前就买了。
- Where the depository keeps money deposit, it may return money of the same type and quantity. 第三百七十八条保管人保管货币的,可以返还相同种类、数量的货币。
- Article 378 Safekeeping of Fungible Items Where the depository keeps money deposit, it may return money of the same type and quantity. 第三百七十八条保管人保管货币的,可以返还相同种类、数量的货币。
- Of money deposit want break up the whole into parts, put parly in close-fitting underwear pocket greatly, and at least part of one's job is put in two place. 钱的存放要化整为零,大票面的放在贴身的内衣口袋里,并至少应分放在两处。
- C.You should hereon announce that your money deposited in your client account in Stephens Inc is not from drug trafficking, kidnapping or any other kinds of crimes or illegal activities. 您需在此声明您投资到本公司中您的客户账户资金非来源于毒品买卖、绑架或任何其他违法犯罪活动。
- Money deposits must have been held for 3 months prior to the lodgement of the application, in an acceptable financial institution. 存款必须在申请递交前在被认可的金融机构中有三个月存期。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- I can cajole some money out of my father. 我能设法向父亲再要到一点钱。
- He flings his money about on expensive luxuries. 他乱花钱买一些昂贵的奢侈品。
- She's been piling up money ever since she got the job. 自从得了那份工作以来,她一直在攒钱。
- He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money. 因为他缺钱,他将亏本出售他的房子。
- That guy is capable of squeezing money out of his old mother. 那家伙做得出勒索老母亲钱财的事来。