- One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling. 唯利是图的人仅为获取金钱而服务或工作的人;以金钱为目的人
- When these areas are stimulated - as they can be by food and drink, or even monetary gain - they produce feelings of euphoria. 这些区域受到刺激时会产生愉悦的感觉,食物、饮料、甚至金钱利润都会刺激这些区域。
- The third possibility is that the manuscript was a hoax devised for monetary gain or that it is some mad alchemist's meaningless ramblings. 第三种可能是,这份手稿是用来诈财的骗局,或是某个疯狂炼金术士的信手涂鸦。
- Real accomplishment as far as Earth is concerned along with nature and the Tao has little to do with monetary gain, or even philanthropic occupations. 真正的成就几乎与赚钱或甚至慈善捐助所有物无关,直至它与地球、大自然及道相关联。
- It is in moving into a loveless dream founded upon monetary gain and technological gadgets that leads to dissatisfaction, drug use, alcoholism, depression and strife as well as disease. 就是因为走入一个基于金钱获取和科技设备的无爱之梦中,所以导致了不满、毒品、沮丧、冲突以及疾病。
- money that is risked for possible monetary gain. 在可能赢钱的地方所押的钱款。
- The most stable source of virtue ethics amidst fierce business competition is people' s inclination to value friendships over monetary gains. 在激烈的商业竞争中,美德伦理的最可靠的源泉是人们珍惜友谊胜过物质利益。
- You can gain by watching how she works. 看她怎样工作就可获益。
- Oil share show modest gain over the week's trading. 石油股票价在上星期的交易中略有上升。
- The monetary unit of Great Britain is the pound. 英国的货币单位是镑。
- The masses gain experience through struggle. 群众通过斗争可以取得经验。
- It is not for the love of gain that he does so. 他这样做并非为了得什么好处。
- A meager monetary allowance, wage, or remuneration. 少量津贴很少一部分金钱补助、工资或津贴
- We hope for some gain from our investment. 我们希望投资有利可图。
- A short-sighted answer insists on a company' s monetary gains 一种目光短浅的回答可能会强调公司的货币收入。
- The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold. 过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。
- No practice, no gain in one's wit. 纸上得来终觉浅,要知此事须躬行。
- Gain got by a lie will burn one's fingers. 靠欺骗得利,准要吃亏。
- Fame and gain are but chips to him. 他视名利为尘土。
- He has no aspiration for fame or gain. 他不图名利。