- molar cohesion energy 摩尔内聚能
- molar cohesion 摩尔内聚力
- Exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit. 在家庭单位元中表现出强内聚性
- Having three cusps, especially a molar tooth. 三尖的有三个尖的,尤指臼齿
- I had to bring cohesion and unity into the company. 我得加强公司的团结和统一。
- Lack of continuity, logical sequence, or cohesion. 断断续续不连贯,缺乏逻辑关联,不团结
- The Root Canal Therapy of Maxillary Third Molar. 上颌第三磨牙的根管治疗。
- Having three cusps,especially a molar tooth. 三尖的有三个尖的,尤指臼齿
- Building social cohesion through education. 通过教育建构社会凝聚力。
- It undermines cohesion and creates dissension. 这件事会破坏团结,制造纠纷。
- Lexical cohesion is the main category of cohesion. 摘要词汇衔接是衔接的主要部分。
- High cohesion facilitates removal after surgery. 产品的高聚合性能使手术后清除更容易。
- Solidarity is power, cohesion is hope. 团结就是力量,凝聚产生希望。
- The Decepticon leadership begins to lose cohesion. 霸天虎离心离德。
- The President sat glumly rubbing his upper molar, saying nothing. 总统愁眉苦脸地坐在那里,磨着他的上牙,一句话也没有说。
- I had to bring some cohesion and unity into the company. 我得使整个公司恢复内聚力和统一。
- Restoration of Badly Broken-down Molar for Children. 儿童后牙牙体大面积缺损的修复治疗。
- B: Yes, they have. Did you notice the black spot on my right molar. 有。你有留意到我右边臼齿有一黑点吗?
- Mini-screw Implants as Anchorage for Molar Intrusion. 应用微型种植体作支抗压低磨牙
- The shear strenth is equal to the cohesion of substance. 剪切强度等于物质的内聚力。