- Cross Entropy method 交叉熵方法
- minimum cross entropy method 最小交叉熵法
- The results show that when evaluated with the indexes of cross entropy and contrast, it performs better than the wavelet transform based fusion method with the fusion rules of maximum absolute coefficient and maximum directive contrast. 仿真实验表明,较之于基于最大绝对系数和最大方向对比度的小波变换融合方法而言,该方法在交叉熵和对比度意义上性能更佳。
- Continuous attributes are discretized through maximum entropy method. 连续属性通过极大熵方法离散化。
- We do a lot of experiments on the representative fusion schemes, and use entropy, cross entropy, mutual information to evaluate the performance of them. 选取其中有代表性的算法进行了大量实验,并用熵、交叉熵、交互信息量等多种评价方法进行了定量分析与比较。
- Fuzzy relative entropy method is more significant for fuzzy pattern recognition. 模糊相对熵方法用于模式识别是很有实际意义的。
- Then the paper adopted information entropy method to evaluate the index system, combining with related data in 2004. 同时采用熵值法,结合2004年西北五省相关评价指标值对该指标体系进行综合评价。
- With the problem that cross entropy can't meet the symmetry criterion while measuring the difference degree of two random variables, the concept of symmetric cross entropy (SCE). is presented. 摘要针对交叉熵用来度量两个随机变量的差异程度时不满足对称性的问题,提出对称交叉熵的概念。
- Liu, Y., Z.Yu, and S.Jiang, 1990: Cospectrum and quadrature spectrum estimation by the maximum entropy method. 周良明、刘玉光,2003:利用地物光谱仪数据研究水汽对太阳辐射的吸收。
- To present a new application of permutation entropy method for automatic brain consciousness task classification. 研究基于脑电信号排列组合熵的运动意识任务自动分类方法。
- Objective To introduce the ideas of entropy method and to explore its applications in diagnostic test. 目的介绍熵方法的思想并探讨其在临床诊断评价中的应用。
- Conclusion Fuzzy relative entropy method is more significant for fuzzy pattern recognition. 结论模糊相对熵方法用于模式识别是很有实际意义的。
- The forward coefficients of the filter can be adaptively determined using the maximum entropy method in real time. 设计中采用最大熵谱估计方法来实时、自适应地得到前向系数,利用遗传算法来提前设计反馈系数。
- AR model is built with maximum entropy method on bearing running condition, and time series model of fault and normal condition is also computed. 针对轴承运行状态采用极大熵谱法建立了AR模型,计算了轴承正常及故障状态的时序模型。
- In this note,error bounds of maximum entropy method for finite minimax problems with convexity as well as uniformly convexity are investigated. 对具有凸性和一致凸性的极大极小问题,研究了极大熵方法得到的最优解和最优值的误差界。
- In many papers on learning BN structure,the Crossing Entropy was used as an indicator of measuring the learning accuracy of an algorithm. 在许多关于信度网结构的学习文献中,都将交叉熵作为检验算法学习效果的一个指标。
- The paper having discussed the appraisal target system and the appraisal model,and adopt entropy method to ascertain valuation highly values. 探讨了生态城市评价指标体系及其评价模型,并采用熵权法确定评价指标的权重。
- In this paper, the GPR images are handled with frequency-wavenumber migration on the base of applying minimum entropy method to estimate velocity parameter. 该文在利用图像最小熵方法对介质中波速度进行估计基础上,借助于频率-波数域偏移技术对探地雷达图像进行了处理。
- Results The numerical example shows that fuzzy relative entropy method and maximum-minimum closeness method have the same results for fuzzy pattern recognition. 结果数值例子说明模糊相对熵方法和最大最小贴近度方法得出了一致的模糊识别的结果。
- A minimum cross entropy model for forecasting mortality 预测死亡率分布的一个最小叉熵模型