- This is very modern construction. 这是非常现代的建筑样式。
- The houses lining the avenue are all of modern construction. 大街两边的房子都是现代化建筑。
- Buildings of modern construction are to be seen everywhere. 到外都可以看到现代化建筑。
- The buildings around are mostly of modern construction . 四周的楼房多半都是现代化的建筑。
- Puli cannot avoid the changes brought by modern construction. 埔里也难避免现代建设带来的变貌。
- The buildings around are mostly of modern construction. 附近的建筑物大部分是现代化的。
- The city was set with handsome parks and buildings of modern construction. 这城市中有许多美丽的公园和现代化建筑。
- Unworthy buildings should be demolished to make room for modern construction. 无价值的房屋应予以拆除, 为现代建筑腾出地盘。
- In modern constructions the load is carried by pillars. 现代建筑是由柱子承重的。
- That is the reason why new modern construction is ruptured from principal architectonics. 建筑的“来源”就寄身于它的身体之中。
- Modern construction methods have facilitated the Building of offshore lighthouses. The most common illuminant is the electric-filament lamp. 现代建筑方法也促进了近岸灯塔建筑的发展。最普遍使用的光源是电丝灯
- Protection of cultural relics: Noticeable achievements were made in the protection of cultural relics. The scene of ancient capital shone together with the modern construction. 文物保护: 全市文物保护工作成果显著,古都风貌与现代建筑交相辉映。
- The Chinese modern construction needs not only people with talent of academic studies but also people with advanced techniques in a large amount. 面对世界经济和教育发展的现状 ,我们深切感到 ,我们的现代化建设 ,不仅需要学术型、研究型人才 ,也需要大批应用型、高级技艺型人才。
- In several decades time from 1917 to 20th century, from the origin of ' De Stijl "to the development of "Bauhaus", modernism construction thoughts become the leading thoughts of world construction. 在1917年到20世纪中叶的几十年的时间里,从“风格派”起源到包豪斯的发展,现代主义建筑思潮在世界建筑潮流中占据了主导地位。
- The company has all kinds of modern construction machinery, 494 sets, such as tower crane, wall elevator, concrete mixer and concrete pump motor. 公司拥有承建各类工程施工的现代化施工机械,拥有塔吊、爬墙电梯、混凝土搅拌站、混凝土泵车等494台(套)。
- The course of our modern construction in more instants depends on raising the whole national diathesis and exploiting the professional resources. 我国现代化建设的进程,在很大程度上取决于国民素质的提高和人才资源的开发。
- The author emphasized a fact that Goethe got involved in the course of Chinese modern construction as a kind of "German resource" of that generation. 强调歌德是如何作为那代人的“德国资源”,介入并参与了现代中国的构建过程。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- Panda Electronics has made special contribution to the foundation and development of China electronics industry, China national defense and national modern construction. 熊猫电子为中国电子工业的创立和发展,为中国国防和国家现代化建设作出了卓越贡献。
- Today its research is of active realistic significance and profound historic significance for modern construction and reform, and national peace and unity. 今天,我们对此认真研讨,对于当代的建设和改革,对于祖国的和平统一,无疑会有积极的现实意义和深远的历史意义。