- modern professional culture 现代职业文化
- By contrast, when collegiality is high, a strong, professional culture held together by shared work norm emerges in the school. 相对的,如果有高度的联合领导,一种很强烈且经合作的而出现的专业规范及文化会形成。
- Modern professional women should strongly heep tp their own unique disposition they should show themselves off, establish new images. 现代的职业女性应该旗帜鲜明地坚持女性的特质,在事业上扬长避短,充分展示女性独特的魅力,重塑现代女性新形象。
- Ann Liebennan, Ellen Saxl, and Matthew Miles. Teacher Leadership: Ideology and Practice. in Building a Professional Culture in the Schools, ed. Lieberman, pp.165-66. [2]刘兴春.;普通中小学教师参与学校决策的调查研究[]辽宁师范大学2003年度硕士学位论文
- For a long time, the strengthening and mystification of modern professional dogma has taken on the role of the Shamen, confining us both physically and spiritually. 长时间以来,现代专业的教条被强化和神秘化,取代原始巫师的角色,禁锢了我们的身体与心灵;
- David Carse, Ltd. is a new coupling strength, management practices, contract and keeping promises of modern professional precision machinery products manufacturing enterprises. 恒新联轴器有限公司是一家实力雄厚、管理规范、重合同、守信用的现代化专业精密机械产品生产企业。
- A ’Game Designer’ can be a ’Game Programmer’ but not all are, and it is rare for one person to serve both roles in modern professional games - despite of his/her hobbies. 一个游戏设计师,可以是一个游戏程序员,但不是所有的,这是非常罕见的一个人提供服务的作用在现代职业比赛-尽管他/她的爱好。
- And here, rising above the clotted turf of a German football field steals a scent that one had previously thought all but extinguished from the modern professional game - the Corinthian Spirit. 在这里,在德国足球场凝固的草皮上已没有了科林蒂安精神,那种球员应该具有的、而在现代足球中已经消亡了的精神。
- Dongguan New Ringo Printing Ltd. is a high-printing, Postpress, beer scalding, Nien, and other one-stop along the production system, which integrates modern professional printing and packaging enterprises. 东莞市新永高印刷有限公司是一家集印刷、印后加工、啤烫、裱粘等一条龙的生产体系于一体的现代化专业印刷包装企业。
- The companies of ITW BUILDEX in the United States, Australia, Great Britain are its subsidiary companies, and they are the modern professional light steel structure building fixation producer. 美国、澳大利亚、英国的ITW BUILDEX公司是其子公司,是现代轻钢结构建筑固定件的专业生产厂家。
- Tibet now boasts a contingent of nearly 5,000 professional cultural workers,with Tibetans accounting for 90 percent of the total. 西藏现有一支近5000人的专业文化工作者队伍,其中藏族占90%25。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- Tibet now boasts a contingent of nearly 5,000 professional cultural workers, with Tibetans accounting for 90 percent of the total. 西藏现有一支近5000人的专业文化工作者队伍,其中藏族占90%25。
- More than half of modern culture depend on what one shall not read. 现代文化的一半以上,有赖于不应读的东西。
- Liheng nameplate, which was established in 1996, is a comprehensive modernized professional factory that integrates with development, design, production and sales of brand plates. 力恒标牌成立于1996年,是一家集产品开发、设计制造、销售于一体的全方位现代化的商标铭牌专业厂家。
- She is going to profess modern languages. 她打算教授现代语。
- She is going to profess modern languages . 她打算教授现代语。
- The book has been styled in a modern format. 该书已按照现代版式制作。
- Modern medicine has increased man's life span. 现代医学延长了人的寿命。
- How do you react to this modern artist's paintings? 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价?