- Modern criminal procedure and constitutionalism 现代刑事诉讼的宪政机理
- modern criminal procedure 现代刑事诉讼
- Informations were used also in criminal procedure. 控告起诉书也用于刑事诉讼中。
- The first Code of Criminal Procedure was enacted in 1861. 第一部刑事诉讼法典是在1861年颁布的。
- In order to protect human rights and the society better,criminal judicial personals must have the modern criminal judicial rationality concepts of criminal and procedure rationality. 刑事司法工作人员必须具有刑事理性和程序理性的现代刑事司法理念,才能更好地保障人权和社会。
- The justice lawsuit is vital to the criminal procedure, even to the civil case. 司法诉讼主要为刑事诉讼,即使民事案件,也是用刑事判断。
- In modern criminal suit, efficiency and justness are two basic value goals that people pursue with. 在现代刑事诉讼中,公正与效率是人们追求的两个基本价值目标。
- China's Law of Criminal Procedure provides specific regulations on the deadline for handling criminal cases. 中国刑事诉讼法对刑事案件的办案期限,作了具体的规定。
- Modern criminal law value is the unity of human rights prelection and social protection,modern criminal law aims to be justice , reduction, humanity. 现代刑法价值是人权保障和社会保护的统一,公正、谦抑、人道是现代刑法所追求的价值目标。
- Criminal Intention Theory in Anglo?American Criminal Law has experienced a history from the traditional criminal intention theory to the modern criminal intention theory. 英美刑法犯罪故意观经历了从普通法的传统犯罪故意观到制定法的犯罪观过程,期间,学说众多,演变复杂。
- The ancient and modern criminal scholars in China and foreign countries have discussed the justifiability of abolishing death penalty from various perspectives. 关于死刑废止问题古今中外刑法学者们从多角度对其正当性进行了探讨。
- Evolution of criminal procedural model introduction II. 刑事诉讼模式的演进2。
- Present situation and the improvement of the separation of prosecution and trial in China's criminal procedure. 控审分离在我国刑事诉讼中的现状及完善。
- Accordingly,responsibility/culpability principle with a repute of the soul of modern criminal law is increasingly regarded as a basic criminal principle by many countries. 相应地,有现代刑法的灵魂之誉的责任原则日渐被越来越多的国家视为一条基本刑法原则。
- The Criminal Procedure Code explicitly states that immunities cannot be used as a shield against criminal liability. 刑事诉讼程序守则清楚指出,豁免权不可被用作逃避刑事责任的挡箭牌。
- The system of probationary suspension is an important part of modern criminal polices, which is a popular system of executing penalty that has been adopted worldwide. 缓刑制度是现代刑事政策的一项重要内容,也是世界各国普遍采用的一项行刑制度。
- Amendment in The Bill of Rights of American Constitutionare not criminal procedure, but the constitutional criminal. 宪法权利抑或刑事程序?
- In the Criminal Procedure,the relationship between the defend attorney and client has always been a difficult problem. 在刑事辩护中 ,当辩护律师与委托人的意见发生分歧时 ,一般以为律师不应违背委托人的意愿做出有损其合法利益的辩护。
- Stephan A. Saltzburg, Daniel J. Capra, American Criminal Procedure,( West Group Publishing,6th ed. 2000 ). 青柳文雄等,注釈刑事诉讼法第三卷,立花书房出版,平成3年10月20日。
- Keyword: Jurisdiction of criminal suit, Conflict,Criminal procedure law, Administration, Complete. 关键词:刑事诉讼管辖权,冲突,刑事诉讼法,管辖,完善