- On Application of Legal Person's Managing Structure Representing Registered Company in Reconstructing Modern College System 论公司法人治理结构在现代大学制度重构中的应用
- On the Time of Modern College P.E. 论当代大学体育时代性的认识。
- modern college system 现代大学制度
- Review of the Research Production on"Studies of the Reform of College Management System and the Construction of Modern College System" as the Important Project of Ministry of Education 教育部重点课题"高等学校内部管理体制改革与建立现代大学制度研究"研究成果述评
- The Community College System provided educational, vocational and transfer programs to more than 2.5 million students during academic year. 这个学年里,社区学院教育系统向250多万名学生提供了教育课程、职业课程以及转学分课程。
- So the physical educational curriculum system in modern colleges accordingly focuses on the reform of curriculum in this field. 因此体育教育专业课程内容的改革是现代普通高等学校体育教育专业课程体系中一个引人关注的研究领域。
- Looking back as an alumna, I find that the college system creates a unique campus culture and strengthens students sense of belonging to the University. 回望在中大的日子,我觉得书院制创造了一种独特的校园文化,增强了同学对大学的归属感。
- Physical teaching should play an unalterable role in psychological health education to modern college students. 体育教学在当代大学生心理健康教育中发挥着不可替代的特殊作用。
- The new colleges will offer more choices for students, enrich their learning experience, and enhance the entire college system. 新书院给同学更多选择,有助丰富他们的学习生活,从而进一步优化书院制度。
- The loneliness of post-modernism has handed the individual soul to the private materialized carrier like books, and now individualism is acting as the behavior criterion of modern college students. 后现代的孤独将个体的灵魂交给书籍等私人化的物质载体,个人主义成为现代大学生的行为法典。
- English,as a typical international language,is widely used and conti nuously developed,and this leads to the requirement of reconstructing theory in modern college English teaching. 英语作为最典型的国际性语言,它的广泛使用和不断发展,对现代大学英语重新构建教学理念提出了新的要求。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- The school has up a complete modern industrial system. 学校开设了一个专班来帮助阅读能力差的读者。
- Quest and Innovate for Modern College Sports 现代高校体育的探索与创新
- For the subject of mathe ,the reaserch about the views of maths in the Five-year-Junior College System Student has been made and some questions have been found,as well as some suggestion. 针对数学学科 ,就目前五年一贯制大专班学生数学学习观进行了调查 ,从中发现了一些特点和问题 ,并针对这些特点和问题对五年一贯制大专班数学教学提出了几个建议。
- The book has been styled in a modern format. 该书已按照现代版式制作。
- Comparison between Foreign and Our Countries'College System Model 中外大学制度模式的比较
- Modern medicine has increased man's life span. 现代医学延长了人的寿命。
- How do you react to this modern artist's paintings? 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价?
- He came up last year to read Modern History. 去年他进了大学研读近代史。