- It is a great activity organized by Shanghai, the cradle of Chinese modem vocational education, aiming at further promoting the development of vocational education and training. 这是上海-我国近代职业教育发祥地,为进一步推动职业教育与职业培训所施展的大动作、大手笔。
- The proposed study from the perspective of modem vocational education instructors teaching online media influence and role modal to explore how to use Internet media career development of modem distance education to raise education lev- els. 本文拟从传播学角度浅谈网络媒体对现代职业教育教学模式的影响和作用,探讨如何运用网络媒体发展现代远程职业教育,以提高教育教学水平。
- the Modem Vocational Education System 现代职业教育体系
- modem vocational education 现代职业教育
- Terminology of Technical and Vocational Education. 技术与职业教育术语。
- Shanghai Education Forum of 2005, whose theme is "Modem City: Vocational Education and Training", was held in Shanghai Guidu Hotel on the 22nd and 23rd June, 2005. 摘要2005年6月22日到23日在上海贵都大酒店举办了“2005上海教育论坛”,这次教育论坛的主题是“现代城市:职业教育与职业培训”。
- Apprenticeship is the most traditional way of vocational education. 摘要学徒制度是世界上最古老的职业教育形式。
- Vocational education and training should be strengthened. 加强职业教育和培训。
- VET ASSESS Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services. 职业教育及培训评估服务会。
- Higher vocational education in China has experienced 20 years. 摘要高职教育走过了20年的发展历程,取得了明显的成效。
- Higher vocational education needs innovative education. 摘要高职教育需要创新教育。
- Here are five principles of vocational education originalities. 这里总结出了五条职业教育改革的原则。
- There has been rapid development in vocational education. 职业教育取得了长足发展。
- There are certain limitations of vocational education nowadays. 当前的职业教育存在一定的局限性。
- He has been accepting vocational education for years. 他受职业教育多年。
- The proportion and quality of vocational education should be enhanced. 提高职业教育的比重和质量。
- New Learning Concept of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training II. 职业教育与培训学习新概念2。
- A deep thought into the higher vocational education system is required. 要对高职教育进行深层次的思考.
- Vocational education is education for people who take up certain jobs. 摘要职业教育是面向从业人的教育。
- What is the Pivot of Chinese Vocational Education's Connotation Development? 什么是中国职教内涵发展的支点?