- modem technology law 当代科技法
- Stanford Technology Law Review Stanford University. 斯坦福科技法律评论。
- And this paper makes good use of modem technology to substantiate the idea. 并充分利用现代相关技术对这种设计思想加以具体化。
- The Finnish company also said it would license coveted modem technology for the first time, so generating additional revenue. 这家芬兰公司还说将首次许可令人羡慕的调制解调器技术,因而来创造附加收入。
- The Finnish company also said it would licence coveted modem technology for the first time, so generating additional revenue. 推荐口译培训机构 诺基亚公司将外包芯片开发业务 试着翻译一下吧:
- The purchasing& cataloguing department of library, which is responsible for document collection and cataloguing, shall make full use of modem technology to realize automation. 图书馆采编部作为文献信息的搜集、整理、加工的业务职能部门,任何一项工作都应努力实现自动化、网络化,充分发挥现代信息技术的优势。
- The Berkeley Technology Law Journal is a student-run publication of the Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley. 伯克利科技法律杂志是由加州大学伯克利分校法学院主办的以学生为主运行的法律期刊。
- Before that, Andrew Law was a partner of the law firm Fong &Ng in association with Goodman Phillips &Vineberg, as Head of its Information Technology Law Practice Group. 一九九九年八月至二零零零年底,罗先生是“方和,吴正和”律师行合夥人,及其“ 资讯科技法律部 ”主管。
- The AHRC Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law was established on 1 April 2002 with the generous support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council. AHRC知识产权和技术法律研究中心在艺术人文研究协会的大力支持下成立于2002年4月1日。
- This paper explains the network technology connected with broadband line in detail,based on twisted-pair technology,Cable Modem technology of HFC Net,five-type-line Ethernet technology,and optical fiber connection technology. 本文针对基于双绞线的ADSL技术、HFC网的CableModem技术、五类线的以太网技术以及光纤接入技术等方面 ,详细地解析了宽带有线接入网技术。
- The paper QPSK, QAM, MSK modem technology are carried out a detailed simulation and analysis, that, select a modulation technique is based on channel characteristics and to determine the application. 文章针对QPSK、QAM、MSK三种调制解调技术进行了详细的仿真和分析,可见,选择一种调制技术是根据信道特性和应用来确定的。
- Digital modem technology in the digital communication occupies a very important position, commonly used digital modulation are: frequency shift keying (FSK) and phase-shift keying (PSK), and so on. 数字调制解调技术在数字通信中占有非常重要的地位,常用的数字调制有:移频键控(FSK)和移相键控(PSK)等。
- Influence and expression of modem technological revolution on entomological research were analyzed from biotechnology and information technology. 摘要从生物技术和信息技术两方面简要介绍科技革命在昆虫学领域中的表现和影响。
- Data mining is the necessary result for the pervasion and integration of the modem technologies. 摘要数据挖掘是目前信息技术中的研究热点,它是现代科学技术相互渗透与融合的必然结果。
- FPA devel opment not only has a similar IC technology law, but also has an itself particularity because of infrared system s task and FPA characteristics, technology, cost and so on. 由于红外系统的任务和FPA的特点、技术、价格等原因,FPA的发展既有与IC发展类似的规律,又有其自身发展的特殊性。
- What I'm doing and learning is about Free/Open Source Software licensing. My education background majoring in technology law, but also have many interests in anything of novelties and creativities! 关于我:专业技能主要在于自由软体授权分析方面,知识背景是科技法律,但是也喜欢了解任何新奇有趣的东西。
- It has been illegal to buy sperm or eggs since 2004.The change was part of Canada's new reproductie technology law, which also forbids payment for surrogacy and regulates stem cell research. 加拿大卫生部称,自从联邦政府认定有偿捐精非法以来,加拿大的精子库存显著减少了,并且来自美国的精子进口供应也最终会被切断。
- The new 56 Kbps ITU (International Telecommunications Union) V.90 standard was resulted from keycompromises made by vendors backing incompatible modem technologies. 新的56Kbps ITU(国际电信联盟)V.;90标准就是坚持不兼容Modem技术的公司作出重大让步后的结果。
- Does your computer have a modem? 你的电脑有调制解调器吗?
- Modem Technology of Library and Information Service 现代图书情报技术