- modem enterprise system theory 现代企业制度理论
- Bei jing reserch Center on Modem Enterprise system shang hai Yongjin industry co., Ltd. 北京现代企业制度设计研究所上海涌金实业有限公司。
- The SOEs should first retreat from the competitive industry, then we can apply the modem enterprise system to it. 在过渡过程中国家如何退出竞争性产品生产行业是涉及到改革成本与社会稳定的重要问题。
- Along with the improvement of enterprise system reform focuson establishing modem enterprise system, “entrepreneur” is acommon word in economic and living. 随着我国以建立现代企业制度为核心的企业体制改革工作的不断深入,企业家越来越成为经济生活所关注的热点问题之一。
- The economic structure adjustment of patrifaction industry and the establishment of modem enterprise system in the Daqing Oilfield Construction Design and Research Institute (DOD) make it necessary for DOD to establish a new strategy. 石化行业的经济结构调整和现代企业制度的建立,使得大庆油田设计院有必要站在一个新的视角重新规划企业的发展战略。
- How to deal with these problems correctly is closely linked with setting up modem enterprises system and reforming land use system. 如何正确处理这些问题,对于现代企业制度的建立和土地使用制度改革的深入息息相关。
- With average systems theories, it discusses modem enterprises'HRM system's systematicness, boundability, system and environment, super-system, structure and function and so on. 运用一般系统理论,讨论了现代企业人力资源管理系统的有序性、边界性、系统与环境、超系统、等级层次机理、结构与功能等方面的内容。
- modem enterprise system 现代企业制度
- In traditional culture of our country, there are many management theory, method and working ruse, all that are needed-alimentation that we build up modem enterprise culture. 摘要在我国的传统文化中,有着极为丰富的管理理论、方法以及经营的谋略,这些东西是我们建立现代企业文化必须吸收的营养。
- The modem enterprise system 现代企业制度
- Modern enterprise system is an advanced system. 现代企业制度是现代企业财产的组织形式,它是一种高级的企业制度,具备一套完整的制度体系。
- It is a comprehensive explanation of control system theory. 它是关于控制系统理论的全面论述。
- The complete modem enterprise management system has peen conducted,of which ISO9001 international quality system authenticate has been passed. 运用完善的现代化企业管理体系,通过了ISO9001国际质量体系认证和煤安认证。
- Can System theory, Cybernetics and Information theory be Unified? 系统论、控制论与信息论能否统一?
- Getting maximum return for your enterprise system investment. 让你的企业系统投资最大限度地得到回报。
- He put forward a set of large-scale system theory in the meeting. 他在会议上提出了一套大规模系统理论。
- Based on the basic characters of modern enterprise system,. 公有制改革的基本原则,基本目标及现代企业制度的基本特征,要求企业制度公司化。
- GM(1,1) model of Grey System Theory is used in prediction realm. 在预测领域,灰色系统理论使用的是GM(1,1)模型。
- Corporate governance is the basis of the modern enterprise system. 公司治理结构是现代企业制度的基础。
- Accountant computerization is an important part of the modem enterprise management in market economy. 在市场经济中,会计电算化是现代企业管理的重要组成部分。