- The Mobile Switching Center is sometimes called a mobile telephone switching office (MTSO), since it is responsible for connecting all mobiles to the PSTN in a cellular system. 由于这个移动交换中心负责一个蜂窝系统所有移动电话到PSTN的连接,因而有时又被称为移动电话交换局(MTSO)。
- MTSO Mobile telephone switching office 移动电话交换站管理信息库
- mobile telephone switching office 移动电话交换局
- Mobile Telephone Switching Center 移动电话交换中心
- mobile telephone switching 移动电话交换
- My father and mother each have a mobile telephone. 我爸爸妈妈每人有一部行动电话。
- Is vessel provided with a mobile telephone? 船舶是否配有移动电话?
- mobile telephone switch 移动电话交换机
- Almost everyone is using a mobile telephone nowadays. 现在,几乎所有人都在用手提电话。
- A. B. Strowger invents the telephone switch, dial telephone. 史端乔发明自动电话交换系统。
- QQ is the best way for relation except mobile telephone. QQ是手机之外最好的联系方式!
- Supports remote surveillance by Mobile telephone (WAP). 支持远程监控流动电话( WAP )行动网际网路。
- Networks run over wireless voice networks, such as mobile telephone networks. 有的开办了无线数据网无线语音网络,例如移动电话网。
- If not,the call went to the company's in-house telephone switching system,or PBX (private branch exchange). 如果没有,电话就转到公司内的电话交换系统(即PBX,用户电话交换机)。
- An IP PBX is telephone switching equipment that resides in a private business instead of the telephone company. IP PBX是私人公司中的电话交换设备,而不是电话公司中的电话交换设备。
- D.Talley, "Basic Telephone Switching Systems", Hayden Book Company, Rochelle Park, N.J. 1969. 由坐标式交换器所组成的交换网路。
- If not, the call went to the company's in-house telephone switching system, or PBX (private branch exchange). 如果没有,电话就转到公司内的电话交换系统(即pbx,用户电话交换机)。
- If not, the call went to the company's inhouse telephone switching system, or PBX (private branch exchange). 如果没有,电话就转到公司内的电话交换系统(即PBX,用户电话交换机)。
- Say, motorcycle, television, automobile, acoustics, computer and mobile telephone and so on. 比如说摩托车、电视、汽车、音响、电脑、手机等等。
- Thus, in the byways of the telephone switching network, the first electrical self was born. 就这样,就在电话交换网络的两面交锋中,第一个电学意义上的自我诞生了。