- mobile seismic network 流动台网
- Spectrum analyses have been done to 24 microseisms occurred in Tengchong volcan o areas and nearby by digital data recorded at mobile seismic stations. 利用腾冲火山地区流动数字化地震台网的微震资料,对发生于火山区内及附近地区的24个微小地震事件进行波谱分析。
- It is the first attempt in China to set up a digital seismic network for microquake. 数字化微震台网在国内是第一次尝试。
- Not involved in the capture seismic network of scientists that found that those who contribute to the system could trigger a major microseismic events. 没有参与地震捕捉网络的科学家表示,这个系统有助于发现那些有可能引发大事件的微震。
- In the paper,we collected and cleaned up the observation data of Fujian digital seismic network,seismogeology,crust deform survey and plat movement. 本文收集、整理了台湾集集大地震前后福建、台湾地区数字地震观测、地震地质、大地形变测量以及板块运动的大量资料。
- Reports on Observation of Yao'an and Yongsheng Earthquakes in Yunnan Province Recorded in the Near Source Digital Seismic Network and the Modern New Parameters II. 云南姚安·永胜地震近源数字地震观测与现代新参数报告2。
- The whole country is in a very active seismic area, and they have the densest seismic network in the world, so they are able to record many earthquakes. 整个日本在一个特别活跃的地震带上,他们有世界上最密集的地震网,因此他们能测得许多地震。
- There is almost nothingbut data of seismic network and seismic profiles to reveal thefeature of subsurface reservoirs on a pre-exploratory structures before drilling. 在开钻之前,预探构造上除了地震测网和地震剖面外,几乎再没有其它能够揭示地下储层性质的探测资料。
- The Urumqi Telemetry Seismic Network undertakes task of large earthquake quick report in Xinjiang area, as well as the small earthquake monitoring in Urumqi area. 摘要乌鲁木齐遥测地震台网承担新疆地区大震速报和乌鲁木齐地区微震监测任务。
- Nelson, P. Ward, and the author, the earthquakes recorded by the Beijing Seismic Network from Jan. 1, 1979 through June 30, 1980 are relocated and the results are compared with the earlier reported ones. Nelson、P.;Ward 和本文作者新发展的区域台网地震定位程序HYPO81对北京台网1979年1月1日至1980年6月30日记录的地震作了重新定位处理;并与原台网测定结果进行了比较
- Digital Seismic Network (DSN) should take the new information from digital records besides finishing the daily earthquake monitoring tasks and reporting the earthquake parameters quickly. 台网除了完成日常的监测任务,发挥速报效能外,如何从丰富的地震记录里提炼新的信息,是各台网目前面对的问题。
- It is indicated that the analysis of the three branches of PKP phase will be helpful to improve the accuracy of phase analysis and earthquake location of the entire China seismic network. 进而指出,分析PKP震相的3个分支,将有助于提高台站震相分析的精度,也将有助于整个中国地震台网的定位精度。
- The location results of near earthquakes using the waveform data from Panzhihua Seismic Station are compared with that of Telemetered Seismic Network and that of seismic stations nearby. 摘要通过对攀枝花台近震震级测算和周边地震台网及台站的震级结果进行综合对比,包括对测算方法和地震波形传播方式进行探讨。
- The patterns of microseisms recorded in the seismic networks have been analyzed based on their types. 根据腾冲台网记录的各种微震动图像,将其进行分类分析。
- It is thes e new main techniques that make an essential development in the new generation o f digital telemetric seismic networks. 正是这些新技术使新的一代数字遥测地震台网技术性能产品较早发生质的飞跃。
- Global Seismic Networks (GSN) is a part of United States Geological Survey’s Earthquake Hazard Program.This site provides some links to related Seismic Network. 该网站提供全球地震信息网络的网址链接,包括美国、德国、法国的国家的地震网络。
- She is much more mobile now that she has a car. 她现在出去方便多了,她有了一辆汽车。
- Some of the new techniques may have been applied in the other fields for a long time,but most of them is us ed in ditital telemetric seismic networks for the first time. 其中某些技术可能早已在其他工业部门应用,但多数是第一次用于数字遥测地震台网。
- Having freely articulated, highly mobile joints. 有自由连接,活动自如的关节的