- mobile programming system 移动程序设计系统
- USER PROGRAMS System test Program version? 该程序将显示仪器的程序版本。
- USER PROGRAMS System test Display test? 此程序检测显示屏上的所有点。
- USER PROGRAMS System test Electrodes? 用户可用该检测程序检查电极电压
- USER PROGRAMS System test Pumps? 用户可用该检测程序检查泵是否正常。
- Policy-free A user interface or programming system is policy-free if it imposes little or no policy. 某个用户接口或者程序系统称为无限制的,如果其强加的原则很少甚至没有。
- This paper presents an intelligent assemble robot off- line programming system ARPS. 本文给出一个智能装配机器人离线编程系统ARPS。
- The whole demo system designs base on the MC68HC908GP32 MCU In-Circuit Programming system. 整个演示系统是在结合了已有的MC68HC908GP32 MCU在线编程系统的情况下设计的,主要实现了LED点阵汉字显示功能模块和红外遥控功能模块。
- In the fall, ector will be expanded to include a surey that will gauge popularity of specific mobile programs. 到秋天,载体将扩展到包括计量某种移动程序的普及在内的调查。
- A programming system that provides users with conversational online access to a computing system with one or more processing units and simultaneously processes batched jobs. 一种程序设计系统,它为多个用户提供与具有一个或多个处理机的计算机系统进行的联机会话,而且也可以同时处理批量作业。
- This paper develops that an automatic NC graphic programming system based on AutoCAD platform fits in with IPC CNC system. 介绍一种基于AutoCAD平台、适于工业个人计算机数控系统的图形自动编程系统。
- On the basis of the above works, the method is implemented in the program system SMSO-1. 根据以上工作,编制了 SMSO-1程序系统,通过算例证实了本文分析的正确性和方法的有效性 。
- The introduction of image vectorization can increase the intelligence level of the programming system of numerical wire - cutting machine. 在数控线切割机床自动编程系统中引入图像矢量化技术,能提高编程系统的智能化水平。
- Famous Jive forum on the large-scale use of the factory pattern, factory pattern in the Java programming system can be said to be seen everywhere. 详细说明: 转摘:去掉RAR JAVA设计模式.;著名的Jive论坛;就大量使用了工厂模式,工厂模式在Java程序系统可以说是随处可见。-转摘: Design Patterns RARJAVA removed
- Be knowledge of Project budget software tools development, and can develop the software or subroutines for manufacturing NC programming system. 了解其它针对制造部需求的软件工具开发,可以开发用于数控加工编程系统的小软件或子程序。
- It is necessary to develop the numerical control WEDM programming system that face middle and small enterprises and has independent copyright. 因此研究和开发一个面向中小企业的具有自主版权的线切割编程系统是很有现实意义的。
- With the development of National Economy Mobilization Program, there are some problems which remain to be resolved. 摘要目前,国民经济动员预案尚处于建设时期,发展速度快,需不断完善。
- The NC automatic programming system is successfully applied in manufacturing of Shanghai maglev train girders, and anticipant result is acquired. 本系统已经在上海市磁悬浮列车轨道梁生产中得到了应用,并取得了预期的效果。
- The key technologies of image vectorization were presented, and they were applied in automatic NC programming system successfully. 研究了图像矢量化的关键技术,并将其应用到数控切绘机自动编程系统中。
- Introduced a new method of modular design about automatic program system of NC punching machine. 提出了一种新型的数控冲床自动编程系统的模块化设计方法。