- mobile ad hoe networks 移动自组网
- MANET(Mobile Ad hoe Network) MANET
- mobile ad hoe network 移动自组网
- Mobile Ad Hoe Network(MANET) 移动自组网
- Mobile ad - hoe network (MANET) 移动自组织网络
- mobile Ad hoe network (MANET) 移动无线自组织网络
- Research on QoS Routing Protocols of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 移动自组网络安全路由协议研究。短句来源。
- The preexistence of mobile Ad Hoc network is packet radio network. Ad Hoc网络的前身是分组无线网(Packet Radio Network)。
- It is also promising to use Bluetooth as a medium for mobile ad hoc networks. 蓝芽技术也是一种在行动网路的一种媒介。
- DSR is a simple and efficient routing protocol designed specifically for use in mobile ad hoc networks. DSR 协议是专用于Ad hoc 网络的简单有效的按需路由协议,主要由路由发现和路由维护两个机制组成。
- Node privacy in mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) is an important research topic in designing anonymous routing protocols. 在移动式随意网路中设计匿名通讯协定,节点的隐私性是极为重要的课题。
- However, the characteristic of mobile ad hoc networks are more prone to physical security threats than the wired network environments. 然而,因为随意网路的特性,相较于有线网路,无线网路更容易遭受到安全性的威胁。
- Roution algorithms in mobile Ad hon networks [J].Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,2004,27(2):1-7. Ad hoc网络中的路由算法[J].;北京邮电大学学报;2004;27(2):1-7
- Roution algorithms in mobile Ad hoc networks [J].Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2004, 27(2): 1-8. Ad hoc网络中的路由算法[J].;北京邮电大学学报;2004;27(2): 1-8
- Mobile Ad hoc networks(MANET) are autonomous,infrastructureless networks that support multi-hop communication through IP routing. 移动自组网(MANET)是自治的无基础设施的网络,它通过IP路由支持多跳无线通信,它被用于没有基础设施存在的动态变化的场景。
- wireless Ad Hoe networks (WANETs) 无线自组织网
- Vehicular Ad Hoe Networks(VANET) 车载自组网(VANET)
- In order to make full use of the resources in mobile Ad hoc networks and reduce end to end time delay,a multi-path source routing algorithm based on queue length is proposed. 为了充分利用Ad Hoc网络资源,降低拥塞程度,提出了一种基于队列长度的多径源路由算法。
- Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are autonomous,infrastructureless networks that support multi-hop communication through IP routing.MANET and the Internet have many differences. 移动自组网(MANET)是自治的无基础设施的网络,它通过IP路由支持多跳无线通信。
- Requiring no heavy infrastructure and complex bootstrapping,certificate chaining becomes a potential candidate for self-organized public key management for mobile ad hoc networks. 由于不需要基础设施和复杂的安全引导过程,证书链成为移动自组织网络公钥管理的一种重要可选方案。