- A new mixing pile with stiffness core(MPSC) is made up of the mixing cement pile and the core pile of reinforced concrete. 劲芯搅拌桩是由搅拌桩和钢筋混凝土芯桩组合而成的新型桩,为掌握其荷载传递机理和承载力影响因素,进行了19根桩的荷载试验;
- A new mixing pile with stiffness core (MPSC) is made up of the mixing cement pile and the core pile of reinforced concrete. 摘要劲芯搅拌桩是由搅拌桩和钢筋混凝土芯桩组合而成的新型桩,为掌握其荷载传递机理和承载力影响因素,进行了19根桩的荷载试验;
- The application of composite foundation with deep mixed cement pile in engineering 深层搅拌水泥桩复合地基在工程中的应用
- Comparation of Deep mixing Cement Pile by Wet Sprayed and Dry Sprayed Method 水泥搅拌桩浆喷法与干喷法的比较
- mixed cement pile 水泥搅拌桩
- The mixed cement has been hoisted up the building. 拌好的水泥灰浆已吊到建筑物顶上了。
- The Combination of Dry Vibration Piles of Crushed Stones and Deep Mixed Cement Piles 干振碎石桩与水泥深层搅拌桩的联合应用
- deep mixing cement pile 深层水泥搅拌桩
- mixing cement pile 水泥搅拌桩
- Mix a drink; mix cement. 合成一种饮料; 合成水泥
- Adopting sand pile, plaster pile and cement pile and etc to deal with soft and weak foundation which becomes compound foundation is a common method in foundation treatment. 采用砂石桩、灰土桩和水泥土桩等处理软弱地基,形成复合地基,是地基处理中常用的一种方法。
- Cement column with mixed cement and soils is one of the method to reinforce groundsill which includes clay and silt,and so on. 水泥土粉喷桩是适用于加固饱和粘性土和粉土等地基的一种方法.
- Analysis and control of the settlement in thick soft clay ground reinforced by deep mixing cement piles 深厚软土水泥搅拌桩复合地基沉降分析及控制
- A couple of soldiers mix cement on the street, lifting it up by a backhoe to their colleagues who use it as mortar, placing concrete block on top of concrete block. 几名士兵在街道上混合水泥,用锄铲机举升给同袍们用作砂浆,一层层地累砌混凝土砌块。
- Properties of composite foundation of deep mixing cement piles and geotextile-reinforced cushion at Wenzhou Grain Depot 温州粮库水泥搅拌桩联合加筋垫层复合地基性状分析
- Each day, all across the village, survivors mix cement and stack bricks atop bricks to build new homes. But Li and Wang are in no condition to do such work. 每天,村庄附近的灾民都会用水泥把砖头垒起来建设他们的新家,但是李婉芝和王志军却没办法去做这个工作。
- The worker made concrete by mixing cement, sand, small stones with water. 表示。例如:这个工人把水泥、沙子、石子与水拌和在一起,制作混凝土。
- Hoist up the mixed cement. 把和好的水泥吊上去。
- The Japanese construction company Kajima has recently developed a functional absorbent cement, mixed cement by the mixed use of such suspected territories, the natural growth of plants will face. 本报讯 日本鹿岛建设公司日前研制出具有吸水功能的水泥,使用这种水泥混合而成的混疑土,面将可自然生长植物。
- mixing cement piles 搅拌桩