- Her words mitigated my suffering. 她的话减轻了我的痛苦。
- I disavow all responsibility for you. 我不承认对你有任何责任。
- He's abdicated all responsibility in the affair. 他已经放弃了这件事中的一切职责。
- I despise his refusing to accept responsibility. 他拒不承担责任,我鄙视他。
- I think freedom does imply responsibility. 我认为自由一定包含着责任。
- The employer disclaimed all responsibility for the fire accident. 老板否认对那次火灾事故负有任何责任。
- They accepted responsibility for the accident. 他们承认了对这次事故所负的责任。
- The negative cation-anionic difference(DCAD) can increase the concentration of blood-ionized Ca of dairy cow before calving and mitigate responsiveness to Ca homeostatic hormones. 负的阴阳离子差可以增加血液中离子钙浓度,增强钙平衡调节激素的反应。
- She undertook responsibility for the changes. 她承担了这些变革的责任。
- I haven't as much responsibility as before. 我不再担负过去那样多的责任了。
- I'll bear full responsibility for the consequences. 我将对后果承担全部责任。
- The living conditions were slightly mitigated. 居住条件稍有缓解。
- Keeping house is my responsibility. 管家是我的事。
- Freedom does not necessarily imply responsibility. 自由不一定包含著责任。
- It's my responsibility to lock the doors. 我负责锁门。
- I'd like to be quit of the responsibility. 我很想摆脱这个责任。
- He is completely lacking in responsibility. 他完全没有责任感。
- A little child does not feel much responsibility. 小孩子不感到有什么责任。
- Our teacher has a high degree of responsibility. 我们老师有高度的责任感。
- He is free from any sense of responsibility. 他丝毫没有责任感。