- We got a fix on the missile launching site. 我们确定了导弹发射场的位置。
- Seoul Keeps Quiet on North Korean Missile Launch Reports. 韩国对朝鲜发射导弹的报道不置一词。
- Bosworth drew a clear line when it came to the missile launch. (在导弹发射问题上,博斯沃斯画出了一条明显的分界线。
- Last week's missile launch was part of shoring up power. 上上周的导弹发射意在巩固权力。
- Dynamic mesh technique was adopted to simulate the missile launching process in the concentric canister launch system. 同心筒是一种先进的新型的舰载导弹垂直发射装置。
- This module has being used in a ATS of missile launching equipment and working perfect. 该模块已成功应用于某型导弹发射机构的自动测试系统中。
- It is a key in short distance automatism collimation system in course of missile launching from ground. 方位角度垂直传递技术是导弹地面发射过程中水平近距全自动瞄准系统中的一项关键技术。
- Soft missile launching sites. 没有防御措施的飞弹发射场所。
- The first carrier of purely Chinese design, the ship could have a built-in vertical anti-air and anti-ship missile launching system. 第一承运人纯中文设计,船可能有内置式垂直防空、反舰导弹发射系统。
- Clinton's trip will be overshadowed by North Korea's increasing belligerency and potential long-range missile launch. 克林顿此次访问由于北朝鲜的日益好战和可能的远程导弹发射而被蒙上一层阴影。
- The rocket sled test can imitate the dynamic conditions of missile launching, it is very important for missile turbojet engine design. 火箭橇试验能够真实的模拟导弹发射条件,它对于弹用涡轮喷气发动机研究具有十分重要的意义。
- The North has angered the US by planning a missile launch for April as part of its space communications programme. 北朝鲜计划在四月份发射导弹,作为太空通讯规划的一部分,(这个动作)激怒了美国。
- Results may be useful for design and manufacture of light frangible fly through diaphragm cover for missile launch canister. 本文的研究为轻质穿透式薄膜盖的研制和应用提供了方法和依据。
- "The possible missile launch that North Korea is talking about would be very unhelpful in moving our relationship forward," Clinton said. 克林顿国务卿在东京与日本首相联合举行的记者会上提到了北韩可能试射导弹的问题。
- As well as a missile launch, yesterday's flight involved mid-air refuelling and a low-level pass just 200 yards above the sea's surface at 560mph. 除了导弹发射,昨天普京总统还参加了空中加油、超低空飞行等军事演习,飞机曾经以560英里每小时的速度在高出海平面仅200米的地方飞过。
- AWACS Thunderhead Submarine missile launch confirmed! Believed to be a burst missile, with multiple warheads that separate in mid-air. 确认敌潜水舰导弹发射!我们确信那是一颗会在半空分裂成众多弹头的弹道导弹。
- A possibly greater flashpoint than the missile launch is a disputed maritime boundary to the west of the Korean peninsula. 比起导弹发射而言,朝鲜半岛西部一段有争议的海域界线可能是一个更大的隐患。
- President Vladimir Putin donned navy uniform to watch a missile launch at sea yesterday, hours after dressing as a pilotflying in a supersonic bomber. 昨天(8月17日),俄罗斯总统普京先客串了一把“飞行员”,乘坐超音速轰炸机发射导弹。结束飞行几小时后,他又穿上一身海军制服在海上观看导弹发射。
- President Vladimir Putin donned navy uniform to watch a missile launch at sea yesterday, hours after dressing as a pilot and flying in a supersonic bomber. 俄罗斯总统普京先客串了一把“飞行员”,乘坐超音速轰炸机发射导弹。结束飞行几小时后,他又穿上一身海军制服在海上观看导弹发射。
- Cartwright said the Navy took its first opportunity to hit the satellite and acted before days of expected bad weather may have prevented a missile launch. 他说,海军抓住了他们第一次攻击卫星的机会,并且在预期恶劣的天气可能阻止导弹发射的前几天采取了行动。