- Extorting confession by torture and eliciting confession by inducement are the immediate causes of the misjudged case. 刑讯逼供,指供诱供,是铸成冤案的关键;
- This article narrows the meaning of "misjudged case" to "criminal misjudged case". 本文论述的错案将其概念限定为刑事判决中事实错误的案件。
- Actually, the term "misjudged case" itself is rather general and ambiguous, since its definition can have great uncertainty and possibility. 错案其实是一个模糊、灰色的术语,其涵义本身具有较大的外延性和不确定性。
- The responsibility rule of misjudged case doesn’t suit to the law of try, breach the principle of judicial independence. 错案责任制不符合审判规律,违反了审判独立的宪法原则。
- The author argues that misjudged case is a kind of cost that can not be avoided in the process of legal administration, no matter in developed countries or in developing countries. 不论在法治程度化较高的西方国家,还是法治化程度较低的国家,错案均是法治进程中一种无法避免的成本。
- Being a procedure of correcting wrong case, criminal retrial procedure is full of various contradictions, including finality of judgment and res judecata, writing of misjudged case and on bis idem. 刑事再审制度作为一种错案纠正程序充满着各种错综复杂的矛盾,如判决终局性与既判力的矛盾,错案纠正与一事不再理的矛盾。
- While in theory, all misjudged cases should be reheard or corrected, which is the requirement of the justice and relief attributes of the law. 从理论上讲,错案均应予以改判或纠正,这是法的公正性与救济性的内在要求。
- In addition,when ratifying the misjudged cases,we should strictly obey the essential system of criminal lawsuits and law procedures. 纠正错案,必须遵循刑事诉讼的基本制度,严格遵守法定程序。
- investigation for misjudged case 错案责任追究
- misjudged case investigation system 错案追究制
- A working mechanism should be established with the core method of investigation to discover, verify and correct the illegal investigation acts to prevent and finally end the misjudged cases. 对违法侦查行为监督的效力不足。要防止乃至最终杜绝冤错案件的发生,必须从制度入手,建立一套以调查为核心内容的发现、核实、纠正违法侦查行为的工作机制。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- investigating into misjudged cases 错案追究
- judge' s liability for misjudged cases 错案追究制
- I'm sorry I misjudged you/your motives. 对不起,我误会你[你的动机]了。
- Change from Liability of Misjudged Case to Liability of Unjust Judgment 论从错案责任到违法审判责任的转型
- I misjudged how wide the stream was and fell in. 我对小河的宽度估计错误,结果掉进河里了。
- On the Relation between Judicial Compensation and Misjudged Case Investigation 论司法赔偿与错案追究的关系
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。