- misfire intonation 拒爆
- In English, some questions have a rising intonation. 英语中有些疑问句需用升调。
- A partial misfire may have various causes. 部分瞎火有各种原因。
- The violin's intonation was poor. 这个小提琴的调音不准.
- Please pay attention to your intonation. 请注意你的语调。
- To misfire,as an internal - combustion engine. 点不着火,如内燃机
- To misfire, as an internal-combustion engine. 点不着火,如内燃机
- English intonation is not hard to learn. 英语语调不难学。
- How can just dominate oneself sentiment, misfire? 如何才能控制自己的情绪,不发火?
- Below this kind of atmosphere, I misfire. 在这种氛围下,我无法工作。
- Mind your intonation when you speak. 你说话时要注意语调。
- He imitates the teacher's intonation. 他模仿老师的语调。
- His intonation proclaimed him an English. 他的语调显示他是英国人。
- Pay attention to the stress and intonation. 注意重音和语调
- We worked on pronunciation, stress and intonation. 我们学习了语音、重读和语调。
- Pay attention to your intonation. 注意语调.
- But, at the same time, the intonation was so soft. 但同时,那语气是这样的温顺。
- Dorothea said with the musical intonation. 多萝西亚开口了,她的声调显得抑扬顿挫。
- Questions with the right intonation. 用恰当的语调练习。
- Questions are spoken with a rising intonation. 疑问句是以升调说出来的。