- The Irish Poor Law of 1838,the enclosure movement of land, and finally crops and brought incalculable misery and starvation to millions ,combined to increase emigration. 1838年的贫困法;圈地运动;还有最后;19世纪40年代末;因害虫毁灭了土豆使数百万人承受无法计算的痛苦与饥饿的大饥荒;(所有这些)结合在一起增加了移民.
- War necessarily causes misery and waste. 战争必然造成痛苦和破坏。
- Has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. 让我们步入痛苦相残。
- War brought misery and ruin to the people. 战争给人们带来痛苦和毁坏.
- War took misery and ruin to the country's people. 战争给这个国家的人民带来了悲惨和毁灭。
- The girl was full of misery and jealousness. 女孩对语文老师万分不满。
- misery and starvation 苦难和饥荒
- The enemy must decide between surrender and starvation. 敌人必须做出投降或是饿死的抉择。
- The worker was living in misery and want before the liberation. 解放前,工人们过着贫困悲惨的生活。
- But crime and starvation are hardly the only options. 当然,黑人不会只是犯罪和挨饿。
- The worker was living in misery and want before liberation. 解放前,那个工人过着贫困悲惨的生活。
- The workers were living in misery and want before liberation. 解放前,工人们过着贫困悲惨的生活。
- War broke out again, plunging the people into misery and suffering. 战祸复发,生灵涂炭。
- We must help to deliver them from misery and suffering. 我们必须帮助他们从痛苦和灾难中解救出来。
- Why do you hide your face and forget our misery and oppression? 你为何掩面,不顾我们所遭的苦难和所受的欺压?
- She was distracted with great misery and refused to be solaced. 她悲痛得精神恍惚,怎么安慰也没用。
- Will it ever cloy this odd diversity of misery and joy? 在这痛苦和快乐的交重中,我会否生厌?
- We should put the old dog out of it's misery and just shoot it. 我们应该让老狗一死百了,就给它一枪吧。
- Food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world. 食物短缺和饥荒在世界的某些地区经常发生。
- It is the cause of untold misery and unhappiness, as well as of disease. 这就是许多不足为外人所道的悲惨、不快乐、和疾病的根源。