- miscovered word files 误覆盖Word文档
- How to Access Word Files in the Database Using Delphi? DELPHI实现Word文档在数据库中的存取
- If you are authoring the test in Word, save and close the Word file. 如果在Word中创建测试,则保存并关闭Word文件。
- Please fill Case Registration Form for above cases and send us the WORD files of the cases. 请将以上案例以WORD文档的形式提交给我们,并填写案例入库登记表(另附)。
- Embedded objects become part of the Word file and, after they are inserted, they are no longer part of the source file. 嵌入的对象会成为Word文件的一部分,并且在插入后就不再是源文件的组成部分。
- You opened a document that was saved in a previous Microsoft Office Word file format. 您打开了用以前的Microsoft Office Word文件格式保存的文档。
- When you embed an Excel object, information in the Word file doesn't change if you modify the source Excel file. 嵌入Excel对象时,如果修改源Excel文件,Word文件中的信息不会相应更改。
- Fig1.N/A Fig2.N/A Fig3.N/A Fig4.Xiaoli: Remember to open a word file full of content when playing game at work. ------------------------------------------------ 一个必须Word文档 图一:无 图二:无 图三:无 图四:小李:想在上班时候玩游戏,一定记得打开一个有内容的word文档。
- This word file contains some of very important Bit Hacks that are commonly asked in technical interviews. (译):这个字的文件包含了一些非常重要的位技巧是常见的技术面试。
- In the MSFTESQL process, the Full-Text Engine Query Processor processes the query using thesaurus and noise word files, as well as word breakers and stemmers. 在MSFTESQL进程中,全文引擎查询处理器将使用同义词库和干扰词文件以及断字符和词干分析器来处理查询。
- Charts that you create will be embedded in Office Word 2007, and the chart data is stored in an Excel worksheet that is incorporated in the Word file. 您创建的图表将嵌入Office Word 2007中,图表数据存储在合并到Word文件中的Excel工作表中。
- Under certain scenarios it is possible for a Word file to be modified in such a way that a macro could run with no warning issued. 在某些方案中,有可能会在不发出警告的情况下运行某个宏来修改Word文件。
- This update addresses a flaw in a converter file used to translate existing documents using WordPerfect file formats to the Microsoft Word file format. 本更新程式能防止将现有文件从WordPerfect档案格式转换为Microsoft Word档案格式所用的转换程式档案弱点。
- The Word file, or destination file, stores only the location of the source file, and it displays a representation of the linked data. Word文件或目标文件只存储源文件的位置,并显示链接数据。
- In WORD file insert images, insert clip art, insert the word art, insert text boxes to test Hanlin V3 WORD file on the analytic level. 分别在WORD档中插入图片、插入剪贴画、插入艺术字、插入文本框来测试翰林V3对WORD档的解析程度。
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。
- Charts that you create in Word will be embedded in the Word document, and their source data is stored in an Excel worksheet that is incorporated in the Word file. 在Word中创建的图表将嵌入在Word文档中,其源数据则存储在合并到Word文件中的Excel工作表内。
- This means that Word updates the linked information every time you open the Word file or any time the source Excel file changes while the Word file is open. 这意味着,每次您打开Word文件或在Word文件打开的情况下更改源Excel文件的任何时候,Word都会更新链接的信息。
- The ability to read, write, and convert between multiple file formats, including the Word file format,. Rtf (Rich Text Format) format, and ASCII text format. 能够读写多种文件格式并在多种文件格式之间进行转换;这些文件格式包括Word文件格式、.;rtf(RTF格式)格式和ASCII文本格式。
- Can you give me a definition of this word? 你能告诉我这个单字的定义吗?