- He was admitted to hospital with minor burns. 他因轻度烧伤而入院。
- Treat a first-degree burn as a minor burn unless it involves substantial portions of the hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks, or a major joint. 除非是手、足、脸、腹股沟或臀部的主要部位烧伤,或者主要关节处烧伤,可以把一级烧伤当成轻微烧伤对待。
- Nathan was treated for minor burns and a gash on his wrist. 内森有轻度烧伤,手腕上有一个伤口。
- These included two reports of minor burns and reports of minor property damage. 这两个报告轻微烧伤,轻微财产损失。
- This soothing, cooling Aloe Vera Clear Gel provides effective relief from sunburns, skin irritations, and minor burns. 这舒缓,清除冷却芦荟凝胶提供有效的救济,从灼伤,皮肤过敏,和轻微烧伤。
- This course is about everyday first aid: cuts and scrapes, minor burns and scalds. 这当然是日常急救:削减和擦伤,轻微烧烫伤。
- Non-Oily Moisturizer provides effective relief from Sunburn, Minor Burns, Skin Irritations, Insect Bites, Chafing, Itching, Dry Skin. 非油性润肤品提供有效的救济灼伤,轻微烧伤,皮肤过敏,昆虫叮咬,皮肤发炎发痒,皮肤干燥。
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- He looks at the burn shoes and laugh heartily. 他看到那烧糊的鞋并且愉快地笑了。
- Soothes, cools, &temporarily relieves pain, itch, &symptoms of chapping, peeling, or scaling, from sun &windburn &minor burns, cuts, scrapes, abrasions, cracked lips, &skin irritations. 舒缓,清凉解除日晒,风吹引起来的皲裂,脱皮和小灼伤,切伤,擦伤,磨损,唇裂和皮炎引起的疼痛,瘙痒等症状。
- It seems that matter is lost when fuels burn. 似乎燃料燃烧时物质就消失了。
- We may burn limestone to obtain lime. 我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。
- A minor road connects the highways. 一条小路同几条公路相连。
- I don't want to go into the minor details now. 我现在不想涉及枝节问题。
- His angry words made my ears burn. 听了他的气话,我耳朵发热。
- Let's burn off the rest of the brush. 让我们把剩下的灌木丛清除掉。
- We can afford to overlook minor offences. 我们可以不计较小过。
- A cigarette burn in the tablecloth. 桌布上被香烟燃坏的地方
- I made minor alterations to the article. 我对这篇文章作了小规模的修改。
- Gain got by a lie will burn one's fingers. 靠欺骗得利,准要吃亏。