- Evaluation of mining right transfer 采矿权出让评估
- Effect of Contract on Mining Right Transfer by Way of Public Biding 矿权招标出让合同的效力
- mining rights transfer 矿业权转让
- A state-owned mining enterprise should, prior to the application for the transfer of mining right, obtain the consent of the competent department of mining enterprises. 国有矿山企业在申请转让采矿权前,应当征得矿山企业主管部门的同意。
- Profiteering in exploration right or mining right shall be prohibited. 禁止将探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利。
- Article 9: An evaluation must be carried out in the transfer of mineral exploration right and mining right formed by state-contributed exploration and survey. 第九条:转让国家出资勘查所形成的探矿权、采矿权的,必须进行评估。
- The Solutions to Disputes about Stock Right Transfer of the Co. Ltd. 有限责任公司股权转让纠纷解决机制思考。
- Rio Tinto contends that it still has full mining rights to the acreage. 力拓辩解说,它仍拥有这个矿区全部的采矿权。
- It will stipulate that the eligible mine owners are entitled to different degrees of lower or free charges of using the exploration and mining rights. 据此,符合减免条件的矿业权人,可以享受不同程度的探矿权、采矿权使用费减免优惠。
- The water rights transfer system is based on the rationale of institutional economics. 水权转让建立在制度经济学基础之上。
- Land use rights transfer income after deducting operating expenses land sold all over finances. 土地使用权出让收入扣除土地出让业务费后,全部上交财政。
- Citizens may also lawfully mine such resources. The state shall protect lawful mining rights. 公民、集体依法对集体所有的或者国家所有由集体使用的森林、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面的承包经营权,受法律保护。
- Hotel property rights and operation rights transfer, or introduce brand hotel management companies for operation and management. 酒店产权经营权出让,或引进品牌酒店管理公司经营管理。
- The mining rights exchange should include remise,transference,mortgage,hire, contract and inheritance. 矿业权的流转应包括出让、转让、抵押、出租、承包、继承这六方面的内容。
- Assignment of contract rights is a complete right transfer to receive the benefits accruing to one of the parties to that contract. 合同权利的转让指完全将合同一方的权益转让。
- Mineral resources are a kind of property form in kind,while mining rights is a kind of usufructuary right. 矿产资源是一种实物形态的财产,矿权(采矿权和探矿权)是一种用益物权。
- Individuals and agencies shall have corresponding qualifications in order to appraise mining rights. 从事矿业权评估的个人、机构应当取得相应的资格、资质。
- Risk analysis is one of the fundamental factors determining the method in mining rights appraisal. 矿业权评估中,风险分析是决定矿业权评估方法的基本因素之一。
- Wires on the left belong to the backlight of the panel. The bigger bunch on the right transfer the image for the panel itself. 位于左边的金属线属于为面板提供背光而存在的。右边稍微大一些的一束金属线为面板自身提供图像。
- Cooperation method: title rights transfer of each stadium or hall, transfer or lease of commercial supplementaries, transfer of honored guest balconies'use rights. 合作方式:各场馆的冠名权转让、商业配套的转让或出租、贵宾包厢使用权出让。