- The mine pit caved in, and the workers escaped via the air vent. 矿井里发生了塌方,工人们都从通风口里逃生了。
- It is an extraordinary mining pit located 300 kilometers northeast of Yellowknife in Canada. 加拿大耶洛奈夫东北处有有一个奇妙的矿井。
- The mine's management works laboriously, though it is not necesary for them to work in the mining pit. 负责管理矿务的人员虽然不一定要下井,但也很辛苦。
- Working in mining pits is very hard for miners. 矿工们下到坑井里工作是很辛苦的。
- The Long-Gu mine pit development construction fast will impel economy develop of Long-Gu town powerfully. 龙固矿井的开发建设将为龙固镇经济的快速发展起到强有力地推动作用。
- The difficult fault which the hydraulic tows the shearer is always appear that the mine pit production process to tow and some times does not tow. 液压牵引采煤机在矿井生产过程中容易出现时牵时不牵的疑难故障,原因查找困难,处理时间长。
- ABSTRACT:The coal mine hoisting technique is in the mine pit transportation pharynx and larynx equipment, is communicates about the mine pit. 煤矿提升设备是矿井运输中的咽喉设备,是沟通矿井上下的纽带。
- Through the applied research of the fuzzy control technology in the mine pit elevator, we mainly explain the design and the application of the mine hoister fuzzy control system. 通过模糊控制技术在矿井提升机中的应用研究,主要阐述了模糊控制系统在矿井提升机制动系统方面和制动系统与调速系统相协调方面的设计与应用。
- After the knock-off bell, workers came up from the mining pits. 打过下班铃后,井下的工人们就从坑口上来了。
- Adopting self Propelled tram's ring like track for the haulage from mine pit mouth to mine run bin lead the mine tram to self return,self sliding and self rotating. 矿山井口到原矿仓运输采用自动环形道,使矿车自升、自溜、自回。
- The gangue rocky mountain is the mine pit production system constituent,is simultaneously also the coal mine characteristic solid reject source of pollution. 矸石山是矿井生产系统的组成部分,同时又是煤矿特征固体废弃物污染源。
- Taking Hegang coal mine as an example, this paper states the damages of mine pit water discharge, analyzes the cause of the water discharge and presents recommendations of prevention and cure measures. 本文以鹤岗煤田为例,阐述了矿坑涌水的危害,分析了矿坑涌水的原因,并提出防治建议。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- the mine pit geology safety safeguard system 矿井地质安全保障体系
- double high mine pit construction 双高矿井建设
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。
- His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意见和我的完全不同。
- Construction may be quiet in the U.S., but in building sites, mine pits, and farm fields in China and India, Caterpillar's big yellow machines are multiplying fast. 美国的建筑市场可能噤若寒蝉,但是在中国、印度的建筑工地、矿井和农场中,卡特彼勒的黄色大机器正发挥着几倍的速度。
- He went heels over head into buying mining stock. 他购买了矿业股票,做事真鲁莽。
- Success is mine if I stick it out. 只要我坚持到底成功就是我的。