- mining face under mine 井下工作面
- The practices showed that the complex roof of C4 seam was effectively controlled.Therefore the roof control problem of the coal mining face under the complex roof conditions was solved. 实践应用表明,C4煤层复合顶板得到了有效的控制,解决了复合顶板条件下回采工作面的顶板控制问题。
- Study of roof strata movement in coal mining face under steep angle 大倾角煤层采面顶板岩层运动研究
- Feasibility Research of First Full-mechanized Caving Mining Face under Sea Area 首个海域下综放工作面试采可行性研究
- Strata behaviors and its control in fully-mechanized coal mining face under hard and fracture-developed roof 坚硬裂隙发育顶板综采面矿压显现及其控制
- Water drainage experiences in fully mechanized longwall coal mining face under special conditions 特殊条件下综采工作面排水经验
- Ground pressure and controlling in fully-mechanized mining face under shallow bury condition 浅埋综采面矿压显现及其控制
- The Technological Application of Passing Through Broken Roof Area for Fully Mechanized Mining Face under Special Spot 综合机械化采煤过漏顶技术在特殊条件下的现场应用
- May the man be damned and never grow fat who wears two face under one hat. 但愿在一顶帽子之下藏着两副脸孔的人永世不得发福。
- Test Mining Research on 4303 Full-mechanized Caving Mining Face under Loose Aquifer in Xinglongzhuang Colliery 兴隆庄煤矿4303综放工作面松散含水层下试采研究
- Discussion on Gas Comprehensive Control Method of Mining Face Under Gas Enrichment Zone 瓦斯富集带下采煤工作面瓦斯治理方法探讨
- He often hides his face under the bed clothes. 他常把脸包藏在被子里。
- Application of vibration blasting technology with deep boreholes to fully mechanized longwall mining face under complicated mining technology 复杂地质条件下综采工作面深孔松动爆破技术
- Technology for hydraulic powered supports removed from fully mechanized coal mining face under complicated geological conditions 复杂地质条件下综采工作面液压支架回撤技术
- Water Irruption Mechanism and Control on Mining Faces under Water Pressure 带压开采工作面的突水机理及防治水工作
- Trent held his breath, face under the muddy surface of the river. 特伦特摒住呼吸,脸面浸在河流浑浊不清的表面之下。
- Sam is a specious fellow and carries two faces under on hood. 萨姆是个伪君子,口是心非。
- In the local or global movement of rock mass under mining,overlying strata play a key role. 上覆岩层对采动岩体活动全部或局部起决定性作用,上覆岩层运动是一个复杂的时空过程,具有时效性。
- It was very cold in the tent; I had to hide my face under the blanket. 帐篷里很冷,我只好把脸缩在毯子里。
- On the Specify Columns'Content and Data Type page, under Mining model structure, you can adjust the content type and data type for each column. 在“指定列的内容和数据类型”页中的“挖掘模型结构”下,可以针对每个列调整内容类型和数据类型。