- minimum price fluctuation 最低波动价位
- See also Variable Limit, Maximum Price Fluctuation. 察看变数限价,最大价格波幅。
- There has been much price fluctuation recently. 近来价格浮动得很厉害。
- Theres a minimum price for off-season stay and a maximum price for peak-season. 淡季有最低价,旺季有最高价。
- Price fluctuation once again warned us not to treat the grain price lightly. 价格波动再次警告我们不要对粮食价格掉以轻心。
- The present price fluctuation in the world market has necessitated the adjustment of price for bitter apricot kernel. 目前世界市场的价格波动使得苦杏仁的价格必须调整。
- If the market refuses to buy the issue at a minimum price, the banker will take them and absorb the loss. 如果市场不能以最低价格购买这些股票,银行就会买进这些股票并吸收其损失。
- There's a minimum price for off-season stay and a maximum price for peak-season. 淡季有最低价,旺季有最高价。
- The wide price fluctuation in the international market reduce business difficult. 国际市场上大幅度的价格波动使得生意很难做。
- The price fluctuation of the international oil market is influenced by a number of factors. 国际市场的石油价格波动受诸多因素的影响。
- Intervention price The minimum price set by an agency at which a producer is guaranteed to sell his product. 干预价格由某一机构确定的保证生产者能够卖出其产品的最低价格。
- Limit Order Specifies the minimum price a seller is willing to take or the maximum price a buyer is willing to pay. 限价委托确定卖方愿意出售和买方愿意购买的最低价格。
- The price fluctuates with season. 价格随季节变动。
- Whether the Monetary Policy Should Have Concern with the Asset Price Fluctuation? 货币政策应否关注资产价格变化?
- Intervention price: The minimum price set by an agency at which a producer is guaranteed to sell his product. 干预价格:由某一机构确定的保证生产者能够卖出其产品的最低价格。
- The price fluctuates between $5and $6. 价格在5美元和6美元之间波动。
- The quota price fluctuates in market. 本报价随行就市.
- The equilibrium price is decided by game of argy bargy between maximum price and minimum price. 确定被收购企业可以接收的最低价格 .;实际的并购成交价格将通过双方讨价还价的搏弈;在两种价格之间达到均衡
- The present price fluctuation in the world market have necessitate the adjustment of price for bitter apricot kernel. 目前世界市场的价格波动使得苦杏仁的价格必须调整。
- "A lot of our products are in China at present the minimum price that the market has been congener product. “我们的许多产品目前在中国市场已经是同类产品的最低价。”