- minimum film thickness 最低膜厚
- Nanospec Film Thickness Measurement System. 薄膜测厚仪,用于测量薄膜厚度。
- Dry film thickness measured on a smooth test panel. 干膜厚度应在平滑的样板上测量。
- The extent of EHD film thickness. EHD油膜的厚薄程度。
- One millionth of a meter. Used to express applied film thickness. 一个百万分之一米。用于表述涂层的厚度。
- Brushed stripe coating to all areas such as corners. edges, welds. small brackets, bolts, nuts. rivet-S. and interstices, before spraying application of each coat, to ensure that these areas have at least the minimum specified film thickness. 在涂抹新涂层前,应刷掉所有区域的麻纹,比如各角落、边缘、焊接处、小托架、螺钉、螺帽、铆钉和裂缝,保证这些区域至少达到价格的最低膜厚度。
- Even slight contamination could affect film thickness to a considerable degree. 即使存在一点污染物就会对液膜厚度产生一定程度的影响。
- Glue film thickness adjusted automatically according to machine speed. 上浆厚薄可依车速自动调整。
- The process is to be optimized for promoting the film thickness uniformity. 通过选择合适的工艺、控制条件可以改善薄膜的厚薄均匀性。
- minimum lubricant film thickness 最小油膜厚度
- For intermediate paint in epoxy floor coating series on sealer or putty to increase film thickness and smoothness. 作为环氧地坪涂料系列的中间漆,涂于封闭底漆或腻子之上,用来增加漆膜厚度和涂层的平整性。
- In consideration of coupling wear of profile and asperity, the minimum film thi ckness increases in a certain worn height.Therefore, the wear of asperity is be neficial to lubrication in this region. 当同时考虑表面轮廓和粗糙度时,在一定磨损高度内,磨损显著增加润滑膜的最小膜厚,从而有利于润滑.
- The influence of paint coating number, mass fraction of diluent on film thickness and glossiness was studied. 研究了涂料涂装道数、稀释剂的质量分数对涂膜厚度和光泽度的影响。
- The desirable antifouling effect can be obtained when the film thickness meets the requirements. 漆膜厚度符合规定的要求时,可得到有效的防污效果。
- This shows that the impact ionizationeffect increasewith the decreasing of silicon film thickness. 这说明,随着硅膜厚度的减小,器件内部的碰撞离化效应增加。
- The combined effect of film thickness and stress on BTO ferroelectric behavior was studied. 实验结果表明,BTO薄膜中的应力为张应力。
- minimum film forming temperature 最低成膜温度
- The film will breack down when the film thickness reaches to a critical value by film thinning. 当膜厚度变薄到一临界值时,膜破裂,导致破乳脱水。
- With the temperature increased, corrosion rate became higher due to increase of film thickness and condensation rate. 当湿气温度较高时,腐蚀速率随液膜厚度、冷凝速率和液膜温度的增加而增大。
- The hybrid cavity/surface plasmon mode is influenced by the film thickness and the periodicity of top Ag film. 混和的共振腔/表面电浆模态被二氧化矽膜厚与上表面金属的周期性所共同决定。