- mine low vohage power network 矿区低压电网
- Please mark the wording of power network disturbance on the plot. 请在图上标明电网干扰字样。
- To eliminate the harmonics caused by nonlinear loads in power network, a modularized active power filter (APF) for low voltage power network is designed. 为滤除低压电网非线性负载产生的谐波,设计了模块化并联型低压有源滤波装置。
- And then the applying DSM for southern Hebei power network is studied. 对在河北南网区内实施电力需求侧管理的方案进行了研究。
- Analysis results show that within the frequency band from 1MHz to 30MHz the impedance of low voltage power network varies from more than ten ohms to one thousand ohms and in general it decreases with the increment of frequency. 分析结果表明在1~30MHz频段,其阻抗值在十几欧姆到上千欧姆之间变化,总体上随频率的升高而降低;
- ship intermediate vohage power system 船舶中压电力系统
- This power control automation system will realize telemeter, tele-signaling, tele-control and tele-regulation in power network. 这种电力控制自动系统可实现电网中的遥测、遥信、遥控和遥调。
- Discussion on the Development of Power Network Dispatching Automation System in Benxi Iron and Steel Co. 本钢电网调度自动化系统发展趋势探讨。
- Domestic advanced electric power network geographic information system solution. 国内先进的电力网络地理信息系统解决方案。
- While fault occurs, there is a transient or steady-state response to the power network. 出现故障时,对电网有一个暂态或稳态的快速响应。
- mine low voltage distribution networks 矿井低压电网
- This simulating system consists of dispatcher training system (DTS) and power network off-line simulating system(POS). 此模拟系统由调度员培训系统(DTS)和电网离线仿真系统(pos)组成。
- The simulated Turpan power network diagram indicates the location of every node and line in Turpan power system. 吐鲁番地区电力系统网络模拟图反映了各点与线路之间的位置关系。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- Better management of the automatic reconnect to the servers in case of power network. 更好地管理自动重新连接到服务器的情况下的电力网络。
- The existing problems of high voltage power network in DDZ are analyzed in detail. 介绍一种自行研制的高压电网功率因数自动补偿装置。
- By reason of its high reliability, the resonant-type fault current limiter is suitable for EHV power network. 谐振型限流器具有高可靠性等优点,适用于超高压电网。
- However,some problems related to utilization of land resources obstruct the development of power network. 但电网规划与建设中仍存在着一些与土地资源利用相关的问题,阻碍了电网的发展。
- The Jingbohu and Lianhua hydropower stations are the backbone power peaking sources in the Heilongjiang Power Network. 镜泊湖、莲花梯级水电站是黑龙江电网中的骨干调峰电源。
- Spatial load forecasting (SLF) is of special importance inplanning of urban power network. 在城网规划中,负荷的地理分布预测有其独特的重要性。