- The company turns over150 million a year. 该公司每年的营业额达。
- She is reported to earn over $10 million a year. 据传她一年挣 1000 多万元。
- The company turns over 150 million a year. 该公司每年的营业额达1亿5千万。
- Some of those talking heads make millions a year. 一些节目主持人一年挣好几百万呢。
- The budget will rocket up from $60 million to $340 million a year. 预算从6000万美元飞涨至一年3.;4亿美元。
- Thereafter, the measures can save the airline US$350 million a year. 而后,它将使每年节约三亿五千万美元。
- The president of the RIAA is reported to make more than $1 million a year. 据报道,RIAA的主席每年所获收入超过一百万美元。
- Bush wants to spend $300 million a year to hawk the value of marriage to welfare mothers. 布什打算每年拨款3亿美金来帮助母亲们感受到婚姻的价值,向她们提供更多的福利。
- The number of visitors,according to the American Association of Museums,has risen to more than 700 million a year. 根据美国博物馆联合会的统计,参观者的数目已经增加到每年七亿人。
- For a year he studied Chinese with me. 他跟我学了一年中文。
- It took me a year to save up for a new car. 我花了整整一年的时间才存下足够的钱买一辆新车。
- We could have made $50 million a year just by putting what General Dynamics paid us into a money market fund. 光是拿通用动力公司付给我们的钱放到货币市场上去贷给人家,我们每年也能赚到五千万美元的利益。
- The company lost $7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier. 这家公司本季度亏损了700万元,与去年同期620万元的盈利形成了对照。
- The number of visitors, according to the American Association of Museums, has risen to more than 700 million a year. 根据美国博物馆联合会的统计,参观者的数目已经增加到每年七亿人。
- Researchers say one out of every 25 female fetuses in India is aborted - an estimated half million a year. 研究者们说,在印度,每25个女性胎儿中,就有1个被流产,每年估计有50万左右。
- As much as $36 million a year comes from ransoms paid for hundreds of kidnap victims, the report says. 报告说每年有多达3千6百万美元来自数百名绑架受害者的赎金。
- With parking revenue in excess of $1 million a year, its streets receive biweekly steam-cleaning. 停车费收入每年超过1百万美元,该区的街道得以享用两周一次蒸汽清洁服务。
- There would be a saving to the airlines of about£70 million a year some of in lower fares. 航空公司每年要节省7000万英镑,其中一部分以低价的形式使公众从中获利。
- Mark Hurd, her successor, will receive a base salary of $1.4 million a year and a $2 million signing bonus. 她的继任赫德(MarkHurd)将获得每年140万美元的基本工资和200万美元的签约奖金。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。