- The milling machine was firmly chocked up. 那台铣床用楔子稳固地支垫着。
- milling machine shop 铣工车间
- We need a universal milling machine. 我们需要一台万能铣床。
- Tomorrow I shall see you again in the machine shop. 明天我还要在机厂见你。
- Yesterday he took back from machine shop. 昨天他从机厂取回了试压泵。
- We have just bought a milling machine. 我们刚买了一台研磨机。
- Automatic double-head milling machine n. 自动双轴铣床。
- Operate lathe, milling machine,Perform welding etc. 能操作车床,铣床,能操作焊机。
- Operate the Milling machine well. 熟练进行铣床操作。
- This milling machine was made in our own plant. 这台铣床是我们厂自制的。
- Need we send these spare parts to the machine shop today? 我们今天需要把这些配件送到机厂吗?
- You can often find in machine shop such a swivel as we use here. 你们常常能在机厂见到我们在这儿使用的这种水龙头。
- The milling machine is often employed to cutspur and helical gears. 铣床常用来铣制正齿轮和斜齿轮。
- This milling machine can be derived with double or three cutters. 本机床可派生双头、三头多种形式。
- That engineer designing the solids control equipment is from the machine shop. 那位正在设计固控设备的工程师是机厂来的。
- In a few month our machine shop will be producing fishing tools of this kind. 几个月以后我们就要生产这种打捞工具了。
- A lathe, planer, milling machines Across! 有车床,刨床,铣床多台!
- The shop comprises of 2 lathes and a conventional milling machine: all new machines (no CNC). 加工车间全部是非数控的全新设备,主要包括2台车床和一台传统铣床。
- Machine tools for metal cutting comprise the principal manufacturing equipment in the machine shop . 金属切削机床是机械加工车间的主要生产设备。(动名词)
- Capable of operating milling machine, drill machine, grinder, lathe machine. 熟练操作铣床;砖床;磨床;车床(其中2总以上)优先考虑.