- millet downy mildew 谷子白发病
- Downy mildew is a major foliage disease of cucurbit crops in the world. 摘要霜霉病是世界上危害瓜类作物的主要叶部病害之一。
- It also inhibited the occurrence of downy mildew and Erwinia carotovora. 对田间大白菜的霜霉病、软腐病的发生具有一定抑制作用。
- Vines are hardy but somewhat susceptible to downy mildew, especially at bloom. 集群有点小,更容易比价格,大约在同一时间熟集群开裂。
- Thiadiazolines Compounds have the fungicidal activity against cucumber downy mildew. 噻二唑类化合物具有抑制黄瓜霜霉病毒的杀菌活性。
- Growing case of purslane varied less than that of shepherdspurse when infected with the downy mildew. 马齿苋的染病植株与对照培养的健康植株生长状况差异不大,而荠菜两者的生长状况有明显差异。
- Objective:To explore an autoregressive model of forecasting the cucumber downy mildew disease morbidity(CDMDM). 目的:探索黄瓜霜霉病发病趋势自回归模型。
- Abstract: Downy mildew (Hyaloperonospora parasitica, formerly Peronospora parasitica ) is one of the severe diseases of many crops. 文章摘要: 随着近年分子生物学技术的发展与应用,植物霜霉病抗性的研究有了长足的进展。
- When ordering for next year look for a F1 hybrid onion set 'Santero' from Thompson &Morgan.It's resistant to downy mildew. 下一年要找第一代杂交葱的话,就找托玛逊或马根号吧。
- These two plant extracts had an inhibiting action on the germination of zoospores of downy mildew of melon and their inhibiting efficiencies were respectively 48.2% and 25.3%. 上述2种植物提取液对甜瓜霜霉病菌游动孢子萌发的抑制率分别为48.;2%25和25
- The flowers and trees rust, downy mildew, black spot disease, leaf blight, branch blight disease, powdery mildew etc. were significantly controlled by this fungicide. 对花木锈病、霜霉病、黑斑病、叶枯病、枝枯病、白粉病、溃疡病等防效显著。
- The investigation of downy mildew of off-season cabbage and its pollution-free control experiment were earned out in Daxi town with a high elevation, Dafang county, Guizhou. 摘要2005年,在黔西北地区大方县达溪镇进行了夏秋反季节甘蓝霜霉病发生危害调查及田间药剂防效试验。
- During the major onset of downy mildew,The PPO and POD activities in leaves were determined in three grapevine varieties(lines),8804,Merlot and Cabernet Franc. 在霜霉病盛发期;对8804、梅尔诺、品丽珠3个葡萄品种(系)叶片中的PPO和POD活性变化进行了测定.
- The comprehensive factors including variety, topography, air temperature, rainfall and number of sporangia dispersal could affect outbreak and epidemic of wine grape downy mildew. 品种、地势、空气温度、降雨量和菌量等综合因素共同影响葡萄霜霉病的发生与流行。
- Frontenac is also very resistant to disease, with good resistance to Powdery Mildew and Botrytis bunch rot, and almost complete immunity to Downy Mildew. 特纳克也非常抗病性,具有良好的抗白粉病和灰霉病一堆腐烂,几乎完全豁免霜霉病。
- The antibiotic 2507 has also satisfactory effect for controlling chinese cabbage downy mildew disease infected by Peronospora parasitica Fr.with efficacy 87.5%in field test. 结果表明,抗生素2507在温室人工接菌情况下,防治黄瓜疫病的效果可达95%25以上,田间小区防治小白菜霜霉病的效果达到87.;5%25。
- Two peatcides with the efficiency control effect were selected from five pesticides in the experiment of controlling downy mildew, and their control effect were 87.44%-85.77% and 86.01%-83.37% respectively, which can be used in cabbage production. 选用5种农药作防效试验,姑选出2种防治甘蓝霜霉病效果较好的药剂,防治效果分别达87.;44%25~85
- Molecular markers of resistance to downy mildew in cucumber were reported, and the new proceedings of discovering and utilizing resistance gene of relative wild species of cucumber was also done. 概述了黄瓜霜霉病分子标记研究现状和挖掘、利用黄瓜近缘野生种抗霜霉病基因的最新进展。
- Result Pests to Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.frequently seen are root rot, sclerotium rofii, downy mildew, leaf spot and mosaic disease.The former three play a predominant role in deteriorating quali... 结果附子常见病害主要为根部病害和叶部病害,分别是根腐病、白绢病、霜霉病、叶斑病和花叶病。
- Abstract : Downy mildew is one of the most serious grape diseases,the usual treatment method presently is the application of chemical fungicide,but excessive spray brings many severe problems. 摘要 : 霜霉病是危害葡萄最严重的病害之一,目前采用的主要防治手段是喷施化学农药,但其用量过多也带来许多严重问题。