- milk foaming into the pails 起着泡沫注入桶中的牛奶
- She poured some water into the pail. 她把一些水倒进提桶里。
- Put your bowl and spoons into the pail. 把你的碗和勺子放进桶里。
- The maid plunged the cloth into the pail and cleaned the floor. 女仆把抹布放进桶里,清洁地板。
- The pail of water crashed on top of him and pushed him into the well. 那桶水撞在他身上,把他推入井底。
- In a few moments he heard the cherries dropping smartly into the pail. 不大一会儿,他听到了樱桃掉进桶里的清脆响声。
- The cutting machine mainly cuts the round foam into continuous long slice that can put into the market use directly. or use through laminating machine further lamination. 这种切割机主要是把圆形泡绵连续切成自动卷绕的薄片,可直接在市场上使用,或者通过粘合机粘合后使用。
- She emptied the milk into the pan. 她把牛奶倒进锅里。
- Waste paper, vegetable peelings and fruit pits are usually thrown into the pail. 废纸、蔬菜皮和水果渣都扔在垃圾桶里。
- He smiled and milked steadily, two strong streams rushing into the pail, frothing and fragrant. 两股奶汁冲入奶桶,溅起了泡沫,散发着芳香。奶牛们表现得也很好,好象它们知道那天是圣诞节。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。
- The children like to dip their bread into the milk. 孩子们喜欢把面包蘸牛奶吃。
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。
- The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car. 警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances. 成立了一个委员会来调查工人的不满。
- The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body. 那个法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身体。
- The invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman's heart. 侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那个妇人的心脏。
- The jelly plopped into the dish. 果冻啪的一声落到碟里。