- milk collecting system 集乳系统
- Faced with the extremely low price expected by the milk collecting stations, dairy farmers have no choice but to sell them the raw milk adulterated with water. 面对奶站开出的越来越低的价格,为了谋生,奶农只好先在原奶中偷偷搀水,然后再卖给奶站。
- LC equipment, data collection system, etc. LC设备、数据收集系统等。
- The emphasis is mainly placed on the development of PDA data collecting system and data transfer between PDA and BMS. 文中重点对PDA数据采集系统、PDA与桥梁管理系统(Bridge Management System,BMS)间数据传输流程等方面的内容进行了研究。
- The plan design of smoke dust collecting system in hot strip finishing rolling in Hot Strip Workshop of No. 介绍了宣钢第一轧钢厂热带车间热带精轧过程中烟气除尘系统的方案设计。
- Rebuilding and operasion status of flue dust baghouse collecting system in Guixi smeltery is introduced. 介绍了贵溪冶炼厂烟尘布袋收集系统改造及运行状况。
- The sightseeing garden glasshouse has video monitoring system and data collecting system, which present the use of modern information technology in urban agriculture. 观光园温室安装有视频监测系统和温室数据采集系统,它是现代信息技术在都市农业中的应用。
- The process of developing a kind of field information collecting system based on PocketPC and DGPS or portable GPS was expounded. 介绍了一种基于掌上电脑和DGPS/背夹式GPS设备的农田信息采集系统的开发过程。
- This machine also equipped with pneumatic bag-clamping device and dust collect system. 适宜于要求计量精度高又易扬尘的粉状物料的称量分装。
- Serving as the operation platform of cobalt-crust collecting system in deep sea, the cobalt-crust mining vehicle steers on the sea mountains. 钴结壳作业行走车作为深海钴结壳采集系统的工作平台行走在海山上进行作业。
- An improved EBC collecting system was used to collect EBC, and the ROS concentration in EBC was measured using a DCFH2-HRP chemical fluorescent method. 本研究以一个改良后的EBC采样系统进行EBC的收集,使用DCFH2-HRP化学萤光法来侦测呼出气体凝结液中ROS浓度。
- Shows collected system information in an easily accessible format. 用易读的格式显示收集的系统信息。
- Studies on packaging waste minimization and its collection system. 包装废物减量及回收体系构建研究。
- The hot weather has soured the milk. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。
- Production line of reshaping silica sand mainly consists of raw sand drying, reshaping, screening, packing section and dust collecting system. 整形硅砂生产线主要由原砂烘干、整形、筛分、包装工段以及除尘系统组成。
- RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS: The current ADR collecting system should be upgraded and modified to ensure the validity, standardization and int... 结果与结论:现行不良反应报告收集系统需进行升级和修改,以更大程度地保证我国药品不良反应报告的真实性、规范性、完整性。
- Eighteen intravesical ureteroceles associated with single collecting system were found in 16. children over past 6 years. 摘要在过去六年中,共发现十六位儿童有膀胱内输尿管囊肿,其中两位为双侧性。
- She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth. 她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶。
- Wine Wrangler Inner Mongolia steppe of Inner Mongolia based on milk collection unique advantages, inheritance grassland Shepherd original brewing technology, combined with modern high-tech biology. 内蒙古牧马人酒业依托内蒙古大草原得天独厚的奶源优势,传承草原牧人原始酿造工艺,结合现代生物高科技。
- This paper introduces the collecting theory of distributive data collect collecting system, designing target, hardware de sign and practical valns. 本文介绍了分布式数据采集系统的采集原理、设计目标、硬件设计及实用价值。