- Military space mission plays an important role in integrative joint war,and the command decision-making is the core of command in military space mission. 军事航天任务在一体化联合作战中占有十分重要的地位,指挥决策是军事航天任务战指挥活动的核心。
- Research on the Command Decision-making in Military Space Mission 浅析军事航天任务指挥决策
- The plans for the new space mission are still under wraps. 新的太空宇航计划仍未公开。
- Design and Implementation of Military Space Mission Planning System in a Web Environment Web环境下的军事航天任务规划系统设计和实现
- military space mission 军事航天任务
- China plans second manned space mission for Oct. 中国飞船十月升空。
- A space mission has to be aborted. 太空任务不得不被取消。
- The tendencies of US military space are analyzed. 分析了军事空间技术的发展趋势。
- Congratulations on the Success of China's First Manned Space Mission! 祝贺中国首次载人航天飞行圆满成功.
- The space mission is a go. 这次太空任务是十分成功
- The slightest miscalculations in trajectory can spell doom for a successful space mission. 对轨道的细小的计算错误可以意味着对成功的太空任务的灭顶之灾。
- It is the first time that Beijing has collaborated with a westernpower on any major space mission. 这是中国首次与西方科技力量合作,进行太空项目研究。
- China has stepped up both its civilian and military space program in recent years. 中国加紧其民用和军用太空计划近年。
- China says its first manned space mission is scheduledto be launched within three months. 我国航天局称,我国自行研制的第一艘载人航天飞船将会在未来三个月内发射升空。
- The slightest miscalculations in trajectory [b]can spell doom for[/b] a successful space mission . 对轨道的细小的计算错误可以意味着对成功的太空任务的灭顶之灾。
- Sadly, the cause of all this mindless panic was a routine rocket launching from the supersecret military space center at Plesetsk in northwest Russia. 可悲的是,造成这一切的盲目恐慌是一次例行火箭发射的supersecret军事航天中心在俄西北部的普列谢茨克。
- The foreign manned space mission, the astronauts in orbit is usually within 72 hours after the exits. 国外的载人航天飞行任务中,航天员通常是在入轨72小时后出舱。
- President York Chan attended an event celebrating the success of Space Mission Shenzhou VI. 陈玉驹主席到中国领事馆出席神舟六号载人航天任务成功庆祝活动。
- It is China's third manned space mission, which will include the country's first space walk. 这是中国第三个载人航天任务,此次任务将包含中国首次太空行走。
- India has earmarked Rs 12,400 Crore for its manned space mission that it wants to launch in 2015. 印度已经拨款124000亿卢比用于2015年的载人航天工程。